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28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Clogged drains or toilets?

It's always a hassle! Especially when it falls on a Sunday...

And of course, we have to fix it quickly...

But wait a bit before calling a plumber or buying ultra-toxic Destop!

Did you know that there are effective tips for unclogging toilets and drains yourself?

Do not worry ! It's easy. And you don't have to be a seasoned DIYer.

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

And what's more, you probably already have everything you need on hand...or almost.

As a result, you solve the problem yourself and save money.

Here are the 28 best tricks to unclog your toilet or drains quickly and easily, without spending a fortune... and prevent them from clogging again!



1. Plastic bottle

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

A simple empty plastic bottle can save you hundreds of dollars. A bottle of water or white vinegar works just fine.

It is just enough that the diameter of the bottle is not too large. Then simply cut out the bottle at the base and place it in the bowl.

Then move back and forth to unclog the toilet. Check out the trick here.

2. Spanish broom

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Do you have a Spanish broom? Phew! you have a solution to unclog the toilet!

Before you start, cover the Spanish broom with a bag and hang it well.

Then the principle is the same as with the plastic bottle.

You have to put the head of the broom in the bowl and make back and forth movements to evacuate the clog. Check out the trick here.

3. Hanger

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

A simple metal coat hanger can solve your clogged toilet problem. Amazing, isn't it? But very practical.

The trick is to make a ferret out of a coat hanger. Just untwist it to give it an elongated shape with a small hook at the end.

Then introduce it into the bowl by making circles and back and forth movements. Check out the trick here.

4. Suction cup

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Just like the plastic bottle, coat hanger or Spanish broom, the plunger is a very practical tool for unclogging toilets.

It's a fast, effective and inexpensive technique, considering the price of a suction cup.

And for the price of a suction cup, we avoid the salty bill of the plumber who made the trip. Check out the trick here.

5. Pump unclog

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Are your toilets clogged? Call on the super Turbo Unblocker to solve the problem!

This ultra suction cup is magic. Thanks to its great absorption capacity, it will get rid of hair, dirt, hair, etc. that clog your toilet.

It destroys the most stubborn clogs. For less than 20 €, it would be a shame to miss it!

6. Unplugging gun

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Thanks to its extendable rod (up to 6 meters!), this unclogging gun can get rid of all the clogs.

Simply insert the rod into the toilet bowl and then rotate with the handle.

In addition, it can be used in toilets, but also in sinks, bathtubs, showers and drains. Convenient!

And for less than 20 €, it's still much cheaper than calling a plumber.


7. White vinegar + bicarbonate

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

The pipes have the annoying tendency to clog regularly?

A good treatment every month avoids reaching the point of no return. And above all, no need to buy from Destop!

To unclog the pipes, mix 200 g of white vinegar, 200 g of salt and 20 cl of white vinegar.

Pour this homemade unblocker into the drain before pouring a basin of boiling water into it. Check out the trick here.

8. Baking powder

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Is the kitchen sink clogged? If you bake cakes, you probably have what you need to unclog a sink.

The trick is to pour a packet of baking powder down the sink and add a glass of white vinegar.

You'll see, it foams a lot and that means it's effective!

We wait 5 min and rinse. There you go, you can use your sink again. Check out the trick here.

9. Homemade ferret

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Clogged drains often mean... no more showers, bathtubs, sinks or toilets! We must therefore act very quickly.

And when we don't have a ferret on hand, we can trust the good old metal coat hanger to help us out.

You just have to unfold it to have a long metal rod that you can use as a ferret. Smart, isn't it? Check out the trick here.

10. Boiling water

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Here's a great grandmother's trick for repairing badly flowing pipes. Even plumbers use it!

Washbasin, sink, bathtub or shower... as soon as the water has trouble draining, you have to act quickly.

It's time to try this easy and economical trick. Simply pour boiling water into your sink or shower.

For this, you can use your kettle or a saucepan. Do not hesitate to start again several times, if it does not work.

Very often, this is enough to dissolve the grease plugs that clog the pipes. Check out the trick here.

11. Bicarbonate + white vinegar + salt + water

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

This is the magic formula for unclogging pipes with natural products.

Forget the Destop which is very toxic for you, the pipes, and the rivers!

Here you have all the products you need to eliminate the residues that clog the pipes. Find out how here.

12. Yogurt

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

You may have noticed that the "poison" logo appears on the bottles to unclog the pipes?

Imagine what you breathe when you use them! Not to mention what goes down the drain...

Whereas with a simple yogurt you can achieve the same result.

Indeed, bacteria and enzymes attack fats and other residues and break them down. Discover the trick here in point n°2.

13. Soda crystals

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Is the bathtub clogged? No need to call a plumber to unclog it.

Soda crystals will do the work for you.

To unclog the bathtub, mix 3 tablespoons of soda crystals with 1 glass of white vinegar in 2 liters of boiled water.

Pour the mixture into the tub and let it work. There you go, you can use your bathtub again. Easy, isn't it? Check out the trick here.

14. Soda crystals + white vinegar

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

This association between soda crystals and white vinegar is a well-kept secret for unclogging pipes.

Start by putting on gloves and then pour a glass of white vinegar in which you have put a handful of soda crystals.

If you have a suction cup, activate it to reinforce the action. Wait 30 minutes then pour very hot water. There you go, no more corks! Discover the trick here in point n°4.

15. Bicarbonate + salt + white vinegar

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Got those magic natural ingredients? So no need to call the plumber!

You have everything you need to unclog your pipes quickly.

Start by mixing 1/2 glass of baking soda with 1/2 glass of salt.

Pour this mixture down the drain and add at least 300 ml of white vinegar.

Now wait for 3 hours for the mixture to work. After this time (not less), pour in 3 liters of hot water all at once.

You will see that the clogs will immediately disappear.

Find out how here.

16. Sodium percabonate

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Sodium percarbonate is a very useful product for cleaning the house and for whitening laundry.

But what is less known is that he also maintains the pipes.

If the drains are clogged, pour 2 tablespoons of percarbonate down the drain.

Add 1 liter of boiling water on it to remove the clogs. Discover the trick here in point n°3.

17. Air gun

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Said like that, we are almost afraid! But this air gun is only an effective weapon for unclogging sinks, tubs and drains.

It is put on the plug and air under high pressure is expelled into the pipe to unclog it. Discover the trick here in point n°3.

18. Unblocker snake

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Here's a clever little trick to unclog your sink:the unclogging snake.

This piece of thin flexible plastic, about 45cm long, has small hooks on each side to hold on to hair caught in the drain.

Handy for quickly unclogging a blocked sink or shower. Check out the trick here.

19. Garden hose

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Here's a well-kept handyman's secret for unclogging drains, a sink and even a toilet.

It's quite simple. Simply push the hose into the drain and then turn on the tap.

Don't put the water too strong at the start, otherwise you risk making everything overflow!

You can also make a back and forth movement to facilitate the evacuation of the clog. Check out the trick here.

20. Suction cup

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

As for unclogging toilets, the plunger is a formidable weapon for unclogging pipes!

It is much more economical and just as effective as any chemical product.

On the other hand, it is important to take a quality one, otherwise it will not work. I recommend the one I have at home.

The principle is the same as explained above.

It is necessary to place the suction cup on the evacuation and to carry out back and forth movements. Check out the trick here.

21. Pump unclog

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

So there, we bring out the heavy artillery!

When you really can't unclog the pipes or toilets with the tips above, there is only one super effective solution left before calling an expensive plumber.

This is to use a pump unblocker. Of course, it's a little more expensive than the other tricks, but it's still much cheaper than a plumber's intervention on a Sunday.

And know that many plumbers use this instrument to remove large clogs.

It is therefore a great long-term investment. I have one at home and it's super effective. Check out the trick here.

22. Kärcher unblocker

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

It's the ultimate weapon against clogged drains! This Kärcher unblocker is a flexible hose with a length of 15 m.

This hose connects directly to most Kärchers.

It unclogs pipes and drains using high-pressure jets. Again, it's a real pro tool when there's a big problem!

Rear-facing, these jets allow the pipe to move forward through the drain and push the clog out as it goes.


23. Coffee grounds

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

There are therefore many simple and economical solutions for unclogging toilets and drains.

But the best part is that they don't get blocked, right?

And for that, you can count on coffee grounds. Efficient and economical, it allows you to maintain the pipes by avoiding clogging and clogging.

Result:no bad odors or clogs! Check out the trick here.

24. Sheet of newspaper

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Very often, it is hair or body hair that forms a plug and obstructs the pipe.

As a result, it is best to avoid putting it in the sinks. I know... when you shave, it's not the easiest thing.

But thanks to a simple sheet of newspaper, no more hairs get into the pipes.

Plus, you don't even have to clean your sink after every shave. Find out how here.

25. Empty the plates well before washing them

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

If your pipes often clog, you have to understand why quickly.

Because unclogging the pipes is far from being a piece of cake!

Very often, dirt accumulates in the pipes and ends up forming a clog.

Remembering to empty the plates before washing them is a simple but effective trick to prevent food residues from remaining in the pipes. Check out the trick here.

26. Filter grid

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

Again, the idea is to prevent rather than cure.

Even if you're careful not to throw anything down the sink, there's always stuff left in the dishes and plates that might go down the drain when you wash them.

With these small filter grids, no problem! The dirt is retained before leaving in the pipe.

All you have to do is remove the filter and empty it into the trash. Check out the trick here.

27. Clean the siphon

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

As soon as water begins to stagnate or drain more slowly, don't wait. This is a sign that your sink will soon clog.

To avoid disaster, you can simply dismantle the siphon under the sink.

For that, it's quite simple. Just put on a pair of gloves and install a basin under the sink.

Unscrew the siphon and empty it into the basin. yuck! Clean the siphon with washing up liquid. And screw it back on.

Don't worry, it's very easy to do. Even I can do it! Check out the trick here.

28. White vinegar

28 Tips For Unclogging Toilets And Pipes Without A Plumber.

White vinegar is your best friend to avoid clogs.

Why ? Because it is very effective in maintaining your pipes.

With it, no more bad odors coming from the pipes of the sink, shower or bathtub!

Just pour white vinegar down the drain and run very, very hot water.

For even more efficiency, pour 1 liter of white vinegar in the shower, sink or sink in the evening before going to bed and leave to act all night.

In the morning, simply let hot water run for 30 seconds.

The action of white vinegar and hot water will eliminate the clogs forming in the pipes. Check out the trick here.