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12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

It's the period of great heat and repeated heat waves!

We don't know what to do to cool off...

As a result, we tend to turn up the air conditioning to the max, or even stand in front of the fan...

The problem is that these 2 methods quickly increase the electricity bill. Not very ecological, nor economical!

Luckily, there are plenty of tricks to staying cool — without consuming too much electricity .

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

So, without further ado, discover the 12 surprising tips to cool your home during summer heat waves. Watch:

1. Close the shutters and lower the blinds

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

It sounds so obvious, but many people forget that up to 30% of unwanted heat enter through the windows.

In fact, the simple act of lowering the blinds, drawing the curtains or closing the shutters can reduce your electricity bill by up to 7% and lower the indoor temperature up to 6°C !

In other words, properly protecting your windows from the sun's heat prevents your house from turning into a greenhouse — especially for houses with windows facing south or west.

2. Control the interior temperature with your doors

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

During the hottest hours of the day, remember to close the doors of a room. It's a smart way to prevent it from overheating.

Conversely, take advantage of lower temperatures at night with all doors open to circulate fresh air throughout your home.

3. Fan + ice cube =ice breeze

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Do you like the freshness of sea breezes? Then you'll love the refreshing feeling of this Sioux ruse which, moreover, is much nicer than air conditioning!

In a large bowl, pour plenty of ice cubes (or failing that, an ice pack). There you go, now put that salad bowl in front of a big fan and enjoy the fresh air. Tilt the bowl to increase the feeling of freshness.

Trust us:the result is magical !

4. Use heat-appropriate sheets and pillows

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Remember to change your sheets according to the seasons. This gesture can not only brighten up your room, but also help cool you down on hot summer nights.

Particularly insulating, flannel sheets and fleece fabrics are perfect for periods of extreme cold .

On the other hand, cotton sheets are more suitable in hot weather, as this fabric lets the skin breathe and resists temperature rises.

And a little something extra, use an organic buckwheat husk pillow.

These pillows always stay dry and airy, as the buckwheat husks are spaced slightly apart and let in soothing air, unlike the stuffing in traditional pillows.

As a result, buckwheat pillows do not retain your body heat, even with a pillowcase.

5. Change the direction of rotation of ceiling fans

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Do you have ceiling fans at home? Then this trick is for you!

Few people know that you have to adjust the direction of rotation of ceiling fans according to the seasons.

In summer, turn your ceiling fans counter-clockwise , and at maximum speed.

Thus, they will generate a pleasant refreshing breeze for you and your guests.

6. Don't forget to refresh your body!

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Never forget that our ancestors survived millennia WITHOUT EVER using the air conditioning :-)

So a great tip to beat the heat is to keep your body as cool as possible — but from the inside out .

For example, try drinking cold drinks and also using cold compresses on sensitive areas, such as the neck and wrists.

Likewise, remember to choose light and breathable clothing.

And maybe you'll also have to give up cuddling with your darling during the heat wave! That's pretty logical, right?

7. Use the extractor hood when cooking

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Whenever you cook, remember to turn on the extractor hood.

In the same way, consider using the VMC in your bathroom!

Why ? Because these two devices are designed to vacuum hot and humid air generated when cooking your meals or taking hot showers.

8. Protect your bed against heat

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

To keep your head cool, use this pillow with a layer of cooling gel, which disperses body heat.

To cool your feet, put a rubber hot water bottle filled with water in the freezer. Take it out and place it at feet level before you go to bed.

It may seem quite contradictory, but also try to slightly moisten your sheets before going to bed. You will see, the refreshing effect is downright stunning.

9. Enjoy the drafts

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

In summer, temperatures drop considerably at night, but not in all corners of the world.

If this is the case in your area, take advantage of these temperature drops by opening the windows in your home before going to bed.

But that's not all. By intelligently choosing the ideal configuration of doors, windows and fans, you can create a powerful and refreshing air current.

Don't forget to close windows, shutters and blinds before the heat of the day.

10. Replace your incandescent bulbs

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Yet another reason to switch to energy-saving light bulbs, such as CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps).

Indeed, “traditional” incandescent bulbs lose 90% of their energy in the heat they emit!

As a result, replacing your traditional bulbs with energy-saving bulbs will refresh your home and significantly reduce your electricity bill.

To discover: The Guide to Low Consumption Light Bulbs Suitable for Every Room.

11. Have a BBQ

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

It may seem obvious, but remember that by cooking your meals indoors, the temperature of your home will increase considerably.

Therefore, during periods of great heat, it is not by turning your oven to 300°C that you will cool the house!

In addition, it is the perfect opportunity to enjoy your outdoor furniture and your barbecue.

To discover: 14 Simple and Effective Tips for Cleaning the Barbecue Grill.

12. Protect your home from the sun

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.

Do you really want to avoid using the air conditioning?

So know that there are several exterior improvements to refresh your home for the long term.

For example, installing window film on your windows is an inexpensive solution that is as effective as blinds.

To protect windows directly exposed to the sun, you can also add an awning , or plant trees or nearby climbing plants.

These are particularly cost-effective small solutions as they will considerably protect your home from the heat of the sun.

12 Ingenious Ways To Cool Your Home WITHOUT Air Conditioning.