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Greasy Dishes:The Magic Trick For Which Spring IMPECCABLE.

Greasy Dishes:The Magic Trick For Which Spring IMPECCABLE.

Your dishes are greasy and you want them to come out spotless?

It's true that it's annoying when the dishwasher leaves a greasy deposit...

But no need to run your dishwasher multiple times!

Fortunately, there is a simple trick for cleaning greasy and dirty dishes.

The magic trick is to add a large glass of white vinegar in your dishwasher. Watch:

Greasy Dishes:The Magic Trick For Which Spring IMPECCABLE.

How to

1. Put your dishes in the dishwasher.

2. Put on your dishwashing tablet as usual.

3. Add a tall glass of white vinegar to the dishwasher tray.

4. Start your program at high temperature.


There you go, your greasy dishes are now spotless :-)

No more grease marks on dishes that come out of the dishwasher.

Think about it the next time you want to wash your foie gras set!

Bonus tip

If you do the dishes by hand, this efficient trick works too.

Just fill the sink with hot water, dip the dishes in it and pour in a tall glass of white vinegar.

Your turn...

Have you tried this money-saving trick for cleaning greasy dishes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!