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A Tip for Making a Spoon Out of a Coke Bottle.

A Tip for Making a Spoon Out of a Coke Bottle.

Impromptu picnic, and you forgot the spoons to eat dessert ?

Everything was there, even the tablecloth.

But the essential is missing:a spoon for dessert!

If you thought of taking a plastic bottle, and especially a bottle of Coke, you are saved.

Here's a trick to turn your Coke bottle into a spoon.

A Tip for Making a Spoon Out of a Coke Bottle.

How to

Cut the bottom of the bottle to form a spoon.


There you go, you can eat your dessert without your fingers :-)

Simple, practical and economical, right?

And to make sure you don't forget anything next time, why not invest in a romantic full picnic basket or a sporty picnic backpack?