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How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

A fridge gets dirty very quickly!

Especially when you have children at home...

And the problem is that we often forget to clean it.

By the way, when was the last time you cleaned it from top to bottom?

That's what I thought!

Too bad, because it's a place where bacteria grow very quickly...

So, what is the ideal frequency to wash the inside of your fridge?

Know that you can do a major cleaning of the fridge every 3 months.

But watch out!

That does not mean that in the meantime, it should not be maintained. Far from there ! Explanations:

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

  • How often should you clean your fridge?
  • To be cleaned daily
  • To be cleaned once a week
  • Replace every 2 months
  • Clean every 3 months
  • How to
  • Clean every 6 months
  • How to properly store your food in the refrigerator?
  • Additional tips
  • Why clean the fridge regularly?

How often to clean your fridge?

A fridge gets dirty very quickly:

Mold, dirt and bad odors are part of everyday life.

So how often should you clean it to keep it clean?

The solution is to follow a cleaning schedule .

With a calendar, you know exactly how often you should clean the different parts of your fridge.

Thanks to the guide below, your fridge will be all the time ultra clean.

It's as simple as that.

And in addition, you will eliminate bad smells from the fridge once and for all.

To be cleaned daily

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

My first tip concerns all the condiments that are stored in the fridge.

I'm talking here about jars of jam, bottles of ketchup, tomato sauces in jars, mustard, salad dressings...

Make a habit of always rinsing these containers where drips tend to form.

Why ? Because these containers tend to drip and, as a result, dirty the inside of your fridge.

So don't forget to give the outside of these containers a quick wipe.

It's a small gesture that helps you keep your fridge clean much longer.

Besides, I advise you to use an egg box so as not to dirty the shelves any more.

And of course, remember to clean up any spilled food stains right away. .

Even if you say to yourself:"It's no big deal, it's a very small stain of nothing at all!".

Except those little stains quickly turn into mold, all sticky and hard to clean.

So, believe in my experience, it is better to clean them as soon as they occur!

To be cleaned once a week

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

Once a week, go through all the food in the fridge with a fine-toothed comb.

Your mission ? Discard expired food , rotten or moldy.

For example, consider checking the crisper drawer which often contains moldy vegetables such as lettuce.

And don't forget to look in the back of the fridge!

There are often things that have been out of date for ages and are badly packaged.

Throw away all stale and rotten food before it stinks up your fridge.

Or worse, that bacteria proliferate there.

To discover: The 18 Foods You Can Eat Even Expired.

To be replaced every 2 months

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

Every 2 months, change the box of baking soda in your fridge.

I say "box" because that's how I buy my baking soda.

But you can also use a cup filled with baking soda.

The container doesn't matter, as long as it's opened.

So why put baking soda in your fridge?

Because it is one of the most effective and cheapest natural methods to absorb bad odors .

On the box, I also advise you to write the date on which you placed the baking soda in your fridge.

That way, you have a little reminder to remind you of the exact date when you need to change the baking soda.

Indeed, be aware that the deodorizing power of bicarbonate disappears after 2 months.

It is for this reason that it must be changed every 2 months.

To discover: The 7 Dangers of Baking Soda Everyone Should Know.

To be cleaned every 3 months

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

Every 3 months :this is how often you should do a deep cleaning of the fridge.

But before I start, I'm going to give you a little advice…

It's much easier to do your big cleaning BEFORE you restock your groceries!

Indeed, because you will have to empty your fridge completely when cleaning it.

It is for this reason that I recommend that you let your fridge empty little by little.

And on D-Day, all you have to do is store leftover food in insulated coolers while you clean up.

Now I show you how to deep clean your fridge .

Follow these easy steps to be 100% sure you don't forget anything:

How to

1. Empty the fridge of all food. Throw away any that are expired or that you won't eat.

2. Pull out the crisper drawer and the meat drawer.

3. Wipe down the shelves and interior walls of the fridge. Use a clean sponge soaked in warm soapy water.

4. Wash the crisper drawer and the meat drawer in the sink with hot water and washing up liquid.

5. Clean the fridge door seal with a clean sponge soaked in white vinegar diluted in water.

6. Wipe all washed surfaces with a clean, damp cloth. The idea is to clean traces and residues of soap.

7. Finally, use a clean, dry cloth to dry all washed surfaces. Put everything back in the fridge.

8. Don't forget to put on a new box of baking soda to absorb bad smells!

9. To finish, close the door and wipe the outside of the refrigerator with a cloth dampened in warm, soapy water.

10. If your fridge has stainless steel walls, I recommend this homemade spray to easily clean fingerprints.

To be cleaned every 6 months

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

Twice a year, remember to clean the grid located at the bottom of the refrigerator.

For this cleaning, the easiest way is to use your vacuum cleaner with its brush tip.

This way you can easily clean dust and hair that clogs the grille.

This little cleaning seems useless to you?

What if I told you that it helps you save money and increase the efficiency of your device?

In fact, cleaning the fridge grill improves air circulation to the condenser.

As a result, it increases the efficiency of your refrigerator by 3 to 5%.

By the way, if your fridge has wheels, I also advise you to dust off the rear grill.

If you don't know how to do it, the trick is here.

How to properly store your food in the fridge?

How Often Should You (Really) Clean Your Fridge? The Surprising Answer.

It is important to cover all the food you put in the fridge.

Why ? Because bacteria proliferate rapidly .

And think about it:who says bacteria, also says bad smells from the fridge!

So, if you have leftovers, it's important to keep them in airtight Tupperware-type containers.

This avoids contact with other foods in the refrigerator.

To cover your food, you can of course use cling film.

The problem is, stretch wrap isn't great for the environment.

Well, did you know that you can easily make your own reusable cling film?

Just melt some beeswax on a cloth and use it as a lid.

If you don't know her yet, here's Grandma's tip.

Additional advice

- Unplug your fridge before deep cleaning to avoid damaging it and electrocuting yourself.

- Always use a clean sponge to clean the inside of your fridge. Yes, the sponge is also a breeding ground for bacteria.

- Always clean your fridge from top to bottom so as not to dirty what you have just washed!

- Avoid commercial chemicals, as their toxic components can spread and contaminate your food.

- Do you have an old toothbrush? Use it to clean the fridge door seals.

- Know that the ideal fridge temperature is 4°C.

Why clean the fridge regularly?

Let's be honest, nobody really likes emptying their fridge to do a big cleaning.

And yet, there are several good reasons to clean your fridge regularly.

This is the most effective way for:

- eliminate bacteria,

- reduce the risk of contamination,

- extend the life of your device and

- optimize its energy performance.