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Turn off the light as soon as I leave a room to save money.

Turn off the light as soon as I leave a room to save money.

It seems obvious when we say it but we are far from all doing it including me who still sometimes forgets to turn off the light when I leave a room...

It's still worth thinking about because a light on alone in a room, it's not super useful, right?

The good habit to adopt is to do it systematically at the risk of turning off the light when there is someone left in the room or in the toilet (and there is the tragedy!).

It's true that it happens to me often but I haven't suffered any reprisals from my friends yet;-).

On the other hand, I have a little trick that may interest you and help you not to forget to turn off the light. What I did at home was put up a post-it that said, "LIGHT on all my switches. Couldn't miss it and forget! Anyway, it worked fine for me.

On the other hand, when the lighting comes from a low consumption lamp, and my absence in the room does not exceed 15 minutes, I leave it on. And yes, it's an important nuance so as not to burn out your bulbs too quickly.

And you, do you turn off the light every time or are you too airheaded? Tell us in the comments.


Minus the lights are on, the less electricity I spend , the more my bill decreases. Pretty easy to calculate. You can hope to save at least 50 euros per year on your electricity bill with this little trick that requires no purchase.

Once you have mastered the subject, try to convince all the people who live under the same roof as you, including your children, so that they too turn off the light when they leave their rooms.