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Power Consumption:Switch off Devices in Standby.

Power Consumption:Switch off Devices in Standby.

Want to save electricity on a daily basis?

And you wonder how to save electricity in the house?

It is true that electricity bills are constantly increasing. Especially in winter!

Fortunately, there is a very simple grandmother's trick to consume less electricity.

The trick to saving energy easily is to turn off all appliances on standby. Watch:

Power Consumption:Switch off Devices in Standby.

How to

1. Get one or more power strips with switch.

2. Connect your electrical devices to it:TV, box, computers...

3. Press the button on the power strip to turn off devices you're not using.


There you go, thanks to this easy trick, you consume less electricity :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Just turn off the switch in the evening or when you're away during the day. Easy, right? And it saves a lot of money every day.

The standbys of your electrical appliances make you spend money because it consumes electricity 24 hours a day.

TVs, DVD players, CD players, game consoles, computers, printers and other gadgets consume energy even in standby.

To reduce its electricity consumption, you must turn off all these watches as soon as you no longer use the electrical appliance.

It's now up to you to hunt for the little red lights in your electrical appliances!

Savings achieved

The standby of electrical appliances is a real waste of electricity and therefore of money.

Know that by leaving your equipment on standby, you spend 20 euros more on your electricity bill!

This represents 130 kWh/year or the equivalent of a water leak.

Turning off electrical appliances is a good way to reduce electricity consumption.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to reduce electricity consumption? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!