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The Ingenious Trick To Remove A Bleach Stain From The Parquet.

The Ingenious Trick To Remove A Bleach Stain From The Parquet.

Did you spill bleach on your hardwood floor?

Here I show you how to easily remove this stain from wood.

Because this product leaves a discolored halo...and it's permanent.

It must be said that parquet is a noble floor, but it has some weaknesses.

Indeed, the wood is porous and stains quite easily.

On the other hand, detaching it is not so simple.

Fortunately, my carpenter gave me his trick for removing bleach from a wood floor in 5 minutes.

Simply scrape the stain with sandpaper and wax the wood. Watch:

The Ingenious Trick To Remove A Bleach Stain From The Parquet.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • Can you clean a wooden floor with bleach?
  • Can you whiten a wooden floor with bleach?

What you need

- piece of sandpaper (grit 240)

- colorless wax

- 3 clean cloths

- colored wax

- linseed oil

How to

1. With the sandpaper, gently scrape the stained area in the direction of the wood grain.

Note: do not force too much to avoid damaging the wood.

2. Put some colorless wax on a clean cloth.

3. Spread the wax over the area you just scratched.

4. Let the wood soak up this wax until it is dry.

5. Now you have to re-stain the wood with a wax in the color of your parquet.

6. Soak the second cloth with the colored wax.

7. Spread the wax, in the direction of the wood, and let dry. Two coats may be required.

8. To make the parquet shine, apply a thin layer of linseed oil.

9. Polish the area with the last clean cloth.


The Ingenious Trick To Remove A Bleach Stain From The Parquet.

And There you go ! The bleach stain on your wooden floor is already gone :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And above all, no need for chemicals to clean this floor.

Or call a professional to sand the floor.

And I can tell you that it is really expensive!

You know the best?

It works on all types of wooden floors:pine, oak, teak, wenge, beech, chestnut...

Why does it work?

Scraping the stain removes the discolored top layer of the wood.

Colorless wax brings bleach-burned wood back to life. It smoothes the fibers and hides the stain.

It's a bit like a natural eraser.

Finally, the tinted wax restores color to the wood.

Can I clean a wooden floor with bleach?

The idea of ​​disinfecting your parquet floor with bleach is not the best one.

Why ? Quite simply, because the wood discolors very easily.

So how? Use pure or diluted white vinegar to clean your hardwood floor.

Can you bleach a parquet floor with bleach?

If the objective is to lighten the wood, then bleach can help you in this case.

Dilute the bleach with equal parts lukewarm water. Soak a cloth in this mixture.

Place the cloth on the wood so that it soaks evenly. Leave it on for a few minutes.

Be careful not to leave the bleach in contact with the wood for too long, it will damage it by burning it.