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19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don't Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Everyone thinks about checking the expiration date on milk.

And we all have an idea of ​​how long to keep makeup and beauty products.

But did you know that your pillow, your toothbrush and your bra also have an expiration date?

Many people do not know it, but common everyday objects do not keep forever!

Once their date has passed, these products not only lose their effectiveness, but can become downright dangerous!

Today, we make you discover 19 daily articles whose expiry date you certainly do not know .

Watch our easy guide to make sure you don't have expired items in your home:

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

  • Pillows:3 years
  • Slippers:2 years
  • Sponges:2 weeks
  • Luffas &shower flowers:6 months
  • Towels:5 years
  • Toothbrushes:3 months
  • Oxygenated water:2 months
  • Brushes and combs:1 year
  • Fragrance:1 to 3 years
  • Teats:1 to 3 months
  • Child car seats:8 years
  • Bra:1 to 2 years
  • Sports shoes:1 year or 400 km
  • Spices:2 to 3 years
  • Flour:1 year
  • Extinguisher:20 years
  • Power strips:3 to 5 years
  • Hydroalcoholic gel:2 years
  • Mosquito repellent:2 years
  • Power sockets:4 to 5 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.


Pillows:3 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

All pillows eventually lose their fluffiness, which can cause neck pain.

And over time, they also become real dust mite nests if you don't wash them regularly.

In theory, the average life of a pillow is 3 years.

But in practice, it all depends on the material of your pillow.

Do you have a natural feather or feather pillow?

So good news:if it is of good quality, it can easily last 10 years.

But only if properly maintained!

This means tapping it every day so that it regains its shape.

For a synthetic pillow, it's much more complicated.

Indeed, once the fiber is flattened, it will no longer regain its bulk.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to renew it every 6 months.

To find out if you need to change your pillow, there is a little test:

- Fold it in half.

- Put a shoe on it.

- If it does not regain its shape, it is too old and must be changed.

- If it unfolds by itself, it means it is still good. It just needs to be washed, preferably without bleach.

Slippers:2 years old

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Do you usually wear slippers, flip flops or flip flops at home?

The problem is like with shoes:they carry thousands of bacteria !

And with sweaty feet and body heat…

It also increases the risk of mycosis and fungal infections.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to wash them as often as possible.

Technically, you can clean your flip-flops or slides in the washing machine, in the middle of bath towels.

But this may reduce their lifespan.

It is therefore best to wash them by hand, with warm soapy water.

Apply a small amount of disinfectant spray to the insole, then let them air dry.


Sponges:2 weeks

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

It is advisable to change the sponges every 2 weeks.

Why so often?

First, because sponges are the biggest reservoir of active bacteria in the whole house.

But in addition, the sponges lose their effectiveness after this period.

And above all, do not put your sponge in the microwave to disinfect it, it only makes things worse!

Instead, there are other effective tricks to disinfect them.

In particular, you can:

- put them in the washing machine or dishwasher,

- soak them overnight in white vinegar, baking soda or coarse salt.

Luffas &shower flowers:6 months

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

The bathroom is a wet place and full of warmth.

Therefore, loofahs and shower flowers are quickly overgrown with bacteria.

To kill bacteria, natural and synthetic sponges can be boiled in hot water.

The trick works for both natural sponges and synthetic shower flowers.

Know that it is also very easy to grow your own natural sponges in your garden.

To discover: Doctors Advise Women to Discard Shower Flowers IMMEDIATELY.

Towels:5 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Your bath towel absorbs moisture and takes a long time to dry.

Again, this is an ideal environment for bacteria.

So, after 5 years, there's no need to keep your most used towels.

Even deep washes will no longer be enough to eliminate bacteria.

By the way, do you know how often towels should be washed? The answer may surprise you!

To discover: A Second Life For My Towels.

Toothbrushes:3 months

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Most dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

But maybe your toothbrush bristles have already started to ruffle?

Then that's a good sign that you need to change it.

After a mouth ulcer, a cold or the flu, you should immediately change your brush.

Otherwise, you risk falling sick again .

What if your toothbrush starts to get tired?

Know that there is a simple and effective trick to give it a second life.

Just immerse it in boiling water for 1 min. Click here to find out how.

And above all, do not throw away your old toothbrushes! Here are 26 tips for recycling your old toothbrushes.

Oxygenated water:2 months

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Do you keep hydrogen peroxide in your pharmacy?

You are doing well:Also called oxygen peroxide, this product has magical uses.

But few people know that once the bottle is opened, hydrogen peroxide loses its properties in just 2 months.

Indeed, after this time, it begins to turn into water.

And even if the bottle has not yet been opened, hydrogen peroxide does not keep for more than 1 year.


Brushes and combs:1 year

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Hair experts advise replacing hairbrushes every 6-12 months.

Especially if it is a plastic or rubber hairbrush.

If you use a boar bristle brush, it should be replaced every 7-10 months.

Does that seem exaggerated to you?

Think about it:a brush is used every day, morning and evening.

And over time, it soaks up all kinds of dirt:

- sebum accumulated daily on the hair roots,

- pollution collected outside

- styling products you use.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to clean your brushes and combs at least once a week .

To tell if a brush is worn, just take a look at its bristles and bristles.

The most obvious sign is when you no longer see any distinct nubs on the brush.

Similarly, a brush whose bristles are split and no longer very stiff also deserves to be replaced.

Fragrance:1 to 3 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

A perfume generally keeps for 1 to 2 years.

But if it has never been used, you can add 1 more year.

What about eau de toilette or eau de parfum?

It can be kept for up to 4 years if it has never been opened .

And only 2 years if you have already used it.

To discover: Make Your Own Perfume:The EASY Recipe Finally Revealed.


Teats:1 to 3 months

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Experts advise changing the pacifier every 3 months, for hygiene reasons.

As for the rubber teats, they must be replaced every 2 months at most.

And this, even if they seem to be in good condition!

Indeed, rubber is a material that deteriorates quite easily.

And the cracks in the rubber promote the appearance of bacteria .

To discover: 5 Effective Tips to Help Your Child Stop the Pacifier.

Car seats for children:8 years old

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Yes, car seats also have a deadline.

They are designed for an average lifespan of 8 years.

But depending on the manufacturers, it can vary between 10 and 15 years.

Over time, the plastic and foam deteriorate, and the seat no longer protects the child as before.

A word of advice:never buy a second-hand car seat, it is better to buy new.

Indeed, with a second-hand seat, you do not know its history.

Who knows if it has been in an accident, misused or simply no longer meets the standards?


Bra:1 to 2 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Ladies, you can throw away your bra without any regrets :

- if it begins to lose its shape or elasticity,

- if it gets too big or too tight,

- if it no longer offers the same support,

- if it becomes uncomfortable.

To discover: 17 Bra Hacks Every Woman Should Know.

Sports shoes:1 year or 400 km

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Of course, it depends on the terrain you'll be running on, your weight and how you lace them up...

But beyond 400 km, even the best running shoes begin to lose their cushioning.

Be careful, because shoes that are too worn put even more stress on your joints!

There's a good trick to know when it's time to replace your shoes

It is simply to come with the old one to a store that still offers this model.

This way, you can compare the 2 shoes by putting on one shoe of each.

And if you feel a big difference in the cushioning, it's time to change it!


Spices:2 to 3 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Over time, the spices lose their flavor.

But be aware that shelf life varies considerably depending on the spices.

For dried herbs:count between 1 and 3 years.

For seasoning blends:1-2 years.

For ground spices:2 to 3 years.

For seeds and whole spices (cloves, cinnamon sticks):up to 4 years.

And how to make your spices last as long as possible?

Any chef will tell you:keep them in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

To discover: Are you missing a spice for a recipe? Here's What To Replace It With.

Flour:1 year

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

It depends on the type of flour, but it usually does not keep for more than 1 year.

But that doesn't mean you can't use it anymore!

Indeed, the date indicated on the packages of flour is an optimal use-by date (DLUO).

Thus, the flour will be always edible , but it will lose its qualities for raising the dough.

Indeed, the gluten necessary for the growth and elasticity of the dough deteriorates over time...

How to store your flour beyond the best-before date?

It must be kept away from light, humidity and heat.

To discover: How to Preserve Meal from Insects? My Grandmother's Answer.


Extinguisher:20 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

The average life of a fire extinguisher is 20 years.

But be aware that most fire extinguishers require a total overhaul after 10 years.

And if yours has the slightest problem, have it serviced by a professional as soon as possible.

This is particularly the case with small cracks on the pipe.

To discover: The Simple Trick To Make A Homemade Fire Extinguisher.

Power strips:3 to 5 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Power strips do not have an unlimited lifespan.

By plugging devices into it, yours may no longer work properly.

A damaged, old or dirty power strip increases the risk of overheating and potentially, an electrical fire.

Pay attention to the cleanliness of power strips in the kitchen.

Indeed, grease splashes clog them quickly.

And this increases the risk of damaging the devices attached to it even more.

To discover: Power Strip with Switch:Inexpensive, Practical and Very Economical.

Hydroalcoholic gel:2 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

Cleaning products (detergent, dishwashing liquid, window spray) do not have an expiry date.

But disinfection products do have a limited lifespan.

For example, bleach and hydroalcoholic gel.

These products contain active substances that eliminate microbes , viruses and bacteria.

And precisely, over time, these substances lose their potency... or in other words, their effectiveness!

On average, they can be kept for 2 years.

To discover: Coronavirus:10 Easy Recipes To Make Your Homemade Hydroalcoholic Gel.

Mosquito repellent:2 years

19 Everyday Items Whose Expiration Date You Don t Know.

The mosquito repellent spray will keep for about 2 years.

But after that, it is no longer effective at all.

And check anyway that the deadline is not outdated…

Otherwise you risk being devoured.

To discover: The 100% Natural Repellent, Effective Against Mosquitoes.

Power sockets:4 to 5 years

Yes, as surprising as it may seem, the sockets also have an expiration date.

This does not mean that you will find an expiration date on the packaging of power outlets.

But experts advise changing them every 4 or 5 years.

Why ? Because damaged sockets are the main cause of electrical fires at home.

So if you feel your outlets are warm to the touch or starting to change color…

That means it's time to replace them!