Today I show you how to take good care of the water in your above ground swimming pool (also called tubular or self-supporting).
Because keeping water clear and clean requires a little maintenance, but above all method.
Otherwise, you risk turning your crystal clear water into a green pond!
So to help you keep the bathing water at its best, I give you all the tricks of the pros.
The proof, I still have the water from last year and it remained perfect during all that time!
Discover how to properly maintain the water in an above ground pool easily in just 6 steps. Watch:
You have just finished building your pool and are ready to fill it.
Are you wondering whether to use mains water or whether you can use that from a recovery well?
The choice is quickly seen!
Prefer water from your network which accumulates much less messy properties .
Indeed, the water stored in a well contains a lot of minerals such as iron.
It can very quickly give an opaque color to the water.
You are then forced to use many sanitizing products and filter it very often...
So in the long run, free rainwater actually costs you more!
One of the first things you need to check once the pool is filled is the pH.
There are tests like these to monitor pH.
The goal is to keep this rate within a range between 7.0 and 7.4.
If this rate is not respected, then you take longer to sanitize the water.
You must indeed add more chlorine or bromine which is not super green and much more expensive.
So check this marker carefully!
Luckily, you can use this trick to raise your pool's pH with chemical-free baking soda.
Once your pH is under control, you are ready to perform what is called shock chlorination.
This chlorination consists of pouring a disinfectant product of your choice into the pool water.
There are several products to perform this step:
It is a very effective product against algae, bacteria and fungi.
You just have to put the pellets in a diffuser to do a shock or daily treatment.
On the other hand, its effect decreases in case of high heat and the product smells quite strong.
It can even be irritating to people with sensitive skin.
This product is very disinfectant, oxidant, anti-algae and odorless.
Another advantage is that it remains effective even with strong UV rays or in hot water.
Very good alternative to chlorine, this product is nevertheless 30 to 40% more expensive.
Active oxygen:
It is undoubtedly the most ecological product.
It does not attack the skin, eyes, hair or nature!
But like every product, active oxygen has some limitations.
Very sensitive to variations in pH, UV and water temperature, this product may become less efficient.
The salt chlorinator:
It is a special filter that naturally manufactures chlorine.
This saves conventional disinfectant products.
Its main disadvantage is its price since this product is more expensive than others to purchase.
Pool water is quickly strewn with impurities, all kinds of insects or leaves.
So the first thing to do is to equip yourself with a protective tarp and a landing net.
Every day, pass the landing net to collect insects and impurities of all kinds.
And once you are no longer using the pool, protect it with the protective cover.
This limits the accumulation of dirt on the surface of the water.
Pro Tip: be aware that a protective bubble cover also heats the water thanks to the sun's rays.
Bonus tips: Move your pool away from a tree or shrub if possible. Otherwise, you are more likely to have leaves or plant residues clouding the water. Also add a small basin where you dip your feet before going to your basin. This reduces weed deposits.
It is important to perform some cleaning actions at least once a week.
First, clean the pool with a pool broom, vacuum broom or pool cleaner.
These utensils are used to clean the bottom and walls of your pool.
This action is essential to remove all algae encrustations or other impurities present at the bottom of the pool.
Then, it is necessary to control the pH level and the level of your disinfectant product.
This allows you to define the corrections to be made.
For example, if the PH is too low (PH-), add PH booster to the water.
Or, add bicarbonate or disinfectant (chlorine, bromine, etc.) if the index is too low.
Don't forget that pool tests exist to help you in this process.
Finally, thoroughly clean the filter present in your filtration system or replace it if it is really too clogged.
Finally, check the water level.
Filtration purifies the water by retaining particles through the filter.
It also ensures the proper distribution of the disinfectant (chlorine, bromine, etc.).
I advise you to do this filtration during the day and not at night.
Indeed, it is during the day that algae and other organisms develop.
So after bathing, remember to switch on the filtration immediately.
You can even run low-flow filtration while swimming!
The manufacturers obviously indicate the opposite, but it is to protect against domestic accidents.
Low filtration is actually harmless.
With regard to the time that must be left for effective filtration, it is not very complicated.
Just respect the following rule:water temperature divided by 2+1.
Example:your water is at 24 degrees. The filtration time is therefore 13 hours (24/2+1=13).
Be careful though; in case of extreme heat or periods of heat wave, leave it on all day.
Because otherwise your water may turn green very quickly!
Finally, be aware that sand filters are much more efficient than those generally delivered with the pool.
Cartridge filters, which are more basic, often lack efficiency.
Therefore prefer this type of filter offering a better flow. This allows the filtration to take less time.
We may have a swimming pool in our garden, but that doesn't prevent us from taking a well-deserved vacation.
If you have a neighbor or relative who can maintain your pond while you're away, great.
If not, follow the guide:
- Before going on vacation, clean your swimming pool thoroughly from all angles (walls, bottom). Take the broom or the cleaning robot for this.
- Then analyze the level of your disinfectant (chlorine, bromine, etc.) and PH. Readjust if necessary with, for example, slow-dissolving chlorine blocks. You can also add preventive algaecide to your water. As its name suggests, this product helps you prevent the appearance of algae.
- Finally, protect your pool water with a classic cover. Do not use a bubble cover, as this heats up the water and increases the proliferation of bacteria.
- When you have returned from your vacation, wash your filter well. If the water has deteriorated significantly, treat it with chlorine as a shock treatment.
Reasonably sized tubular pools can easily be dismantled.
On the other hand, other larger pools remain in place and force us to conserve water.
And after a few months of non-use, the pool can become clogged.
Here are the steps to follow for its return to service in the spring:
- Use suitable products to clean any water line that may be encrusted on the walls.
- Analyze the pH and make the rate between 7.0 and 7.4.
- Carry out a shock chlorination with the product of your choice (chlorine, bromine, etc.) to sanitize the pool.
- Start your filtration for at least 24 hours.
- In order to find clear, healthy and limpid water, turn on your filtration for at least 8 hours a day.
- Finally, carry out the routine maintenance that we described above.
There you go, you now know how to properly maintain the water in your swimming pool.
Easy, practical and effective, isn't it?
In addition, these methods work with all pool brands:Intex, Bestway...
Your water remains nickel even after winter!