When you use your toothbrush to brush your teeth, you forget that also needs a good cleaning.
Because having a clean toothbrush is essential for oral hygiene.
But no need to buy a new brush every 3 months!
Not only is it not cheap, especially if you have a big family...
But it's also a lot of plastic waste...
Fortunately, my dentist gave me his tip for cleaning and disinfecting his toothbrush so that it lasts twice as long.
The trick is to dip your toothbrush in a glass of water with baking soda . Watch:
- 1 tablespoon of baking soda
- 1 glass of lukewarm water
1. Put the baking soda in the glass of water.
2. Mix well to dilute.
3. Dip your toothbrush into the glass.
4. Leave to soak overnight.
5. The next morning, rinse the toothbrush with water.
And There you go ! Your toothbrush is now thoroughly cleaned and disinfected :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Make this little 100% natural disinfectant bath at least once a month.
Thanks to this trick, you will be able to easily keep your toothbrush twice as long!
It also works for electric toothbrushes.
And you can also use this trick to clean interdental brushes.
It's very important to clean your toothbrush regularly, especially because of COVID.
And clean your toothbrush with baking soda , it's super simple and economical.
Bicarbonate is an excellent disinfectant which will overcome the different bacteria on the toothbrush
In addition, as it is fungicidal , it destroys the fungi that develop over time.
This trick also avoids having mold on the toothbrush.
On the other hand, there is no point in putting your toothbrush in the microwave or using bleach!