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My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

Need to remove a label on a glass jar?

According to the labels, they are almost impossible to peel off without making lint of paper...

And sometimes there is glue left on the pot.

We spend hours obsessing over it for an unfortunate label...

Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to easily peel off a label on a glass jar.

The magic trick is to apply a mixture of oil and baking soda to the label for 30 minutes . Watch:

My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

- 1 tablespoon baking soda

- bowl

- brush

How to

1. Put the oil in the bowl.

2. Add the baking soda.

3. Mix well.

4. Brush the mixture onto the label with the brush.

5. Leave on for 30 min.

My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

6. Rub with your finger so that the label comes off on its own.

My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

7. Rinse with water.


My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!

And There you go ! You easily peeled off the label on your glass jar :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And no need for chemicals to remove it. Or even get excited about it for hours!

If you don't have a brush, you can apply the mixture with your fingers. And for the oil, use the one you have in your kitchen cupboard.

It works on glass or plastic jars and jars, wine bottles, to remove labels from jam jars and a wine label or on window panes.

This mixture keeps well. My trick is to keep it in a bottle of nail polish. Like that, I use the small brush!

It's very handy for removing strong glue from glass, isn't it?

Why does it work?

The oil neutralizes the glue under the label and it acts as a lubricant in the trick.

As for the baking soda, which is grainy, it makes it easy to scrape and peel off the remains of glue.