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The Surprising Trick To Remove Limestone In A Glass Bottle.

The Surprising Trick To Remove Limestone In A Glass Bottle.

Is your glass bottle dull because it's full of limestone?

And you may wash it, nothing helps? Normal, because it is inside that it has scaled up!

In addition, if the neck is narrow, you can't even use a sponge to clean it...

Luckily, there's a grandma's trick for cleaning the inside of a tarnished glass bottle.

Just put some white vinegar and a handful of rice in it . Watch:

The Surprising Trick To Remove Limestone In A Glass Bottle.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 1 handful of raw rice

- 1 glass of white vinegar

How to

1. Put the rice in the bottle.

2. Add the white vinegar.

3. Recap the bottle.

4. Then shake vigorously.


The Surprising Trick To Remove Limestone In A Glass Bottle.

And There you go ! You have removed the limestone from your glass bottle :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Your glass bottle is now like new!

If your bottle doesn't close, that's okay!

Cover it with the palm of your hand or with cling film.

If you don't have rice, opt for coarse salt. It will also do.

This trick also works for carafes, decanters, crystal carafes or glass jars.

Why does it work?

The white vinegar attacks the limestone and makes the glass shine from the inside.

In addition, it removes any lingering odors in the carafe.

The rice will loosen the grime that forms an opaque veil inside the bottle.

If your carafe is heavily scaled, you can also heat the white vinegar before pouring it into the carafe.