Did you make a candle spot?
Wax stains often happen during the holidays...
Me this year, I have plenty on the tablecloth, the carpet and the fabric sofa.
A real carnage! Thank you kids!
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to remove a candle stain easily.
The trick is to rub the wax stain with brandy . Watch:
- clean cloth
- brandy
- spoon
1. First scrape off the wax with the spoon to remove as much as possible.
2. Next, soak the cloth in the brandy
3. Rub the wax stain gently with the cloth.
4. Rinse with clean water.
And There you go ! The candle stain was completely gone in no time :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more wax stains on the tablecloth, rug and sofa!
Plus, you don't even need to buy stain remover to remove it.
This trick also works on armchairs, carpets and other fabrics that are not fragile.
The alcohol in brandy is very effective in dissolving candle wax.
As a result, the wax is easily removed without damaging the fabric.
If you don't have brandy, be aware that 70° alcohol also works very well.