Tired of smelly feet?
It's true that it's not as pleasant for you...
...only for the people around you at work!
So what to do? No need to buy expensive anti-odour socks!
Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's trick to say goodbye to bad foot odor.
The simple and effective trick is to sprinkle baking soda directly inside the socks . Watch:
1. Take some baking soda in your hand.
2. Slip it inside the sock.
3. Repeat with the other sock.
4. Put on your socks as usual.
There you go, thanks to baking soda, you can say goodbye to stinky foot odors :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Baking soda absorbs foul odors like a sponge.
And the good news is that it works for both dress shoes and athletic shoes.
You can put it in socks as well as in stockings and tights.
Now you can take off your shoes without worrying that horrible odors will suffocate those around you.
Very practical at work or if you have to take the plane for a long flight!
To avoid perspiration, leave synthetic socks in the closet.
Choose good quality socks, 100% cotton and preferably organic.
Why ? Because cotton limits perspiration which causes foul odours.
If the socks smell bad, it's because of sweaty feet.
The characteristic cheesy smell of smelly socks is caused by isovalerianic acid.
It is a chemical substance that develops when bacteria feed on dead skin, keratin.
There are a lot of dead cells when you sweat.
Bicarbonate has sanitizing properties. It attacks the bacteria responsible for bad odors and destroys them.
As a result, foul odors do not develop.