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Say Goodbye to Dust With My Homemade Anti-Dust Spray!

Say Goodbye to Dust With My Homemade Anti-Dust Spray!

Fed up with the dust that constantly redeposits! Barely removed, it comes back just as dry...

And personally, dusting the furniture every day really pisses me off!

And then, putting toxic anti-dust products all over the house is out of the question with my children and my pets.

Luckily, I found a DIY spray recipe that repels dust and is super easy to make yourself.

Here is the easiest recipe to make your homemade dust repellent . Watch:

Say Goodbye to Dust With My Homemade Anti-Dust Spray!

Why make a dusting spray?

Because commercial dust removers are harmful to our health and the environment!

They contain waxes, chemical fragrances and other toxic ingredients... not to mention the price.

And, in my house, these polluting products have not entered for a long time!

In addition, their fallout is slippery and therefore super dangerous for children or the elderly.

And the most important question:YES! this natural spray works great on wooden furniture!

It leaves no trace and can be used in all rooms of the house, including the bedroom. All my furniture is shiny and beautiful.


- 80 ml of water

- 1/2 tablespoon of Marseille soap

- 8 drops of sweet orange essential oil

- 4 drops of cedar essential oil

- 4 drops of lemon essential oil

- vaporizer with a fine mist in amber glass

- funnel

How to

1. Using the funnel, pour the water into the spray bottle.

2. Add the Marseille soap.

3. Pour in the essential oils.

4. Close the bottle and shake to mix well


Say Goodbye to Dust With My Homemade Anti-Dust Spray!

And There you go ! Your homemade dust remover is already ready :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Remember to shake well before use and spray on a cloth.

Then wipe your wooden furniture with the cloth impregnated with the product.

You will be surprised with the result!

The furniture shines and the dust does not settle again for days.

Additional advice

I use my dusting spray on my wood coffee table, dining room table, side tables and bookcase.

I love it, because it's natural, it smells good and it doesn't leave a slippery deposit on the floor.

But I also use it to dust my car.

Store your product well in a dark, amber glass spray, as it protects the essential oils and prevents too rapid degradation.

Bonus tips

- You can also put 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil in the mixture to add polishing action to the dust spray. The furniture will shine even more!

- Adapt the quantities to make more or less anti-dust liquid according to your needs.

- Keep your socks orphaned to slide your hand in and rub your furniture gently.

- Liquid Marseille soap can be replaced with Castile soap.

Your turn...

Have you tried this natural dust spray recipe? Tell us in comments if you liked it. We can't wait to read you!