You want to remove a tomato sauce stain on a garment?
Looking for a miracle trick to remove that nasty stain?
Pizza, spaghetti, ketchup...
These stains are particularly difficult to remove.
But no need to buy Vanish stain remover!
All it takes is a few basic, inexpensive ingredients to get rid of all the tomato sauce stains.
Here are 4 super effective grandmother's tricks to get rid of these stains, even when they are stubborn ! Watch:
- Marseille soap
- baking soda
- white vinegar
- milk
A good plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce and oops...a stain is embedded in your favorite item of clothing or on the tablecloth.
Do not wait to act! Immediately run the fabric under cold water.
Be careful, follow this instruction carefully:cold water is needed.
The use of hot water is not recommended, as the stain could become embedded in the fibers of the fabric.
Then all you have to do is rub the stain with Marseille soap and rinse.
This simple trick is very effective on cotton fabrics for example.
A stain of tomato sauce on leather or jeans? Don't panic!
The best way to remove a tomato sauce stain from leather or jeans is to use milk.
To do this, pour a few drops of milk on the still fresh stain.
Then take a clean cloth and rub. The stain will quickly disappear.
You were unable to intervene immediately on a stain of tomato sauce on a cotton garment, a tablecloth or a tea towel?
A dried tomato sauce stain is more complicated to remove.
In this case, bicarbonate is your best ally . It is then necessary to moisten the stained fabric with cold or lukewarm water.
Then, sprinkle the stain with baking soda, so as to cover it completely.
Now let the baking soda act for 15 minutes. Finally, all you have to do is rinse the garment. And hop, not a stain!
This is undoubtedly the most delicate case. Especially when the stain has already been washed...
But do not despair, because here are 3 tips that work to remove an old stain:
- White vinegar is a powerful stain remover and will get rid of this encrusted stain.
To do this, soak a clean cloth in white vinegar and dab the stain with it. Then rinse your garment to remove the stain permanently.
- You can also replace the white vinegar with 70° alcohol. Just do the same as with vinegar.
- Last solution, use hydrogen peroxide 20 volumes. Soak the stain in this stain remover and rinse.
In this case, do a test beforehand on a small piece of inconspicuous fabric, to be sure that the hydrogen peroxide does not bleach it too much... especially if the stain is on your sofa
But it's perfect for removing a stain from a white sweater, a white tablecloth or a T-shirt.
And these stain cleaning tricks also work for removing a stain from tomato juice, Bolognese sauce or harissa.
This is undoubtedly what will be most effective on an already washed garment.
And if you want to remove a tomato sauce stain from plastic or oilcloth, I recommend this tip.
In this case, baking soda is your best ally.