BBQ meat skewers are delicious!
The problem is that they have the annoying tendency to turn over on their own when you cook them...
We can turn them over to cook both sides of the meat, but they always switch back to the same side! Grrr...
As a result, the meat is not cooked evenly.
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick so that the skewers no longer turn over on their own.
The trick is to use 2 wooden skewers instead of just one to cook the skewers . Watch:
1. First prick your pieces of meat with the 1st wooden pike.
2. Do the same with the 2nd spade, leaving a little space between the two.
3. Place your skewers on the BBQ.
4. Once one side is cooked, flip your skewers to the other side.
There you go, no more meat skewers that turn on their own :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Your skewers are thus cooked evenly and you don't spend your time trying to turn them.
When you prick the meat, remember to leave a space between the two skewers so that they are not too close.
1/2 cm between the 2 skewers is more than enough for the skewers to stay in place.