My grandmother gave me all her crystal glasses.
And I love taking them out for the holidays! But it's true that I don't use it every day.
As a result, they become opaque and tarnish quickly.
Fortunately, she revealed to me her trick to restore all their shine in a jiffy.
The trick is to clean crystal glasses with baking soda . Watch:
1. In a container, put 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
2. Add the equivalent of 1/2 glass of water.
3. Mix well to obtain a liquid solution.
4. Take some of this liquid with a clean sponge.
5. Run the yellow side of the sponge over the lenses.
6. Rub very gently so as not to scratch the glasses.
7. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
And There you go ! You have restored all their shine to your crystal glasses :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It takes no effort and it costs next to nothing!
This trick works with all crystal objects, like pendant chandeliers for example.