Did you know that it is possible to unclog a drain with a garden hose ?
It works just as well for a washbasin, sink or WC as well as some showers and bathtubs.
It's quite simple.
Simply push the hose down the drain and let a trickle or more of water flow to destroy the clog . Watch:
1. Put the garden hose in the drain.
2. Let the water flow.
And that's it, it's done! -)
Simple, practical and effective!
Your sink is now unblocked , of course.
No need to call a plumber or use Destop!
You can also move back and forth when you touch the cap with the pipe.
It's an easy technique to overcome it more quickly.
However, be careful not to put too much water pressure so as not to overflow the pipes.
For more efficiency, also remember to plug the overflow with a damp cloth.
Indeed, it is the pressure of the water that will push the plug and evacuate it.
In old buildings or old houses, it often happens that the pipes are clogged.
A clever handyman will only call a plumber after trying all our tricks to unclog the pipes .
Using a garden hose is a very effective trick to unclog pipes easily and for free.
If you already have a garden hose at home, you don't have to buy anything!