Have your curtains lost their whiteness?
Have they become dull or yellowed?
It's normal that over time and dust, the curtains lose their whiteness...
Fortunately, there is a magic trick to restore all the whiteness to your gray curtains and sheers.
The natural and effective trick is to soak them in bicarbonate water overnight . Watch:
- 2 tablespoons baking soda
- basin
- water
1. Fill the basin with cold water.
2. Add the baking soda to the water.
3. Plunge the curtains into it.
4. Check that everything is well submerged.
5. Leave to soak overnight.
6. Rinse well or machine wash cold.
And There you go ! Thanks to this trick with bicarbonate, your tarnished curtains have regained all their whiteness :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more gray curtains that make cracra in the house!
It also works for curtains dulled by the years or the sun.
In any case, avoid spinning too hard and do not put them in the dryer after washing them.
Baking soda dissolves dirt. It also removes the dull veil deposited on the fabric.
Its whitening power is very powerful, especially on gray fabrics.
In addition, it deodorizes the textile at the same time!