Every year I have an attack of ants in my kitchen!
And nothing worse than waking up in the morning and finding an army of ants while having your coffee...
My reflex was to crush them stupidly but obviously the next day they were back...
Fortunately, I found an easy and 100% natural trick to get rid of ants permanently in just 1 night.
All you need is sugar and baking soda. Watch:
- 100g caster sugar
- 2 tablespoons baking soda
- 200 ml hot water
- cotton
- 1 bowl
1. Put the hot water in the bowl.
2. Add sugar and baking soda in it.
3. Soak cotton balls in the mixture.
4. Place these pieces of cotton in the path of the ants
5. The next morning, no more ants in the house!
There you go, you got rid of ants at home for good in just 1 night :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You don't even have to use an insecticide full of chemicals to get rid of it!
It's still better for your health, that of your children and your animals...
This ant trap is extremely effective because it is very ingenious!
Indeed, sugar obviously helps to attract ants.
But ants can't tell the difference between sugar and baking soda.
Result, they will eat sugar but also bicarbonate.
Bicarbonate has the particularity of overcoming ants because they cannot digest it.
Finally, the ants will also bring these cotton balls back to the anthill, which will have the effect of decimating the rest of the colony.