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The Amazing Trick To Get Spiders Out Of The House Forever.

The Amazing Trick To Get Spiders Out Of The House Forever.

Tired of spiders invading the house?

Want to get rid of them without killing them?

It's true that they are scary, even if they are harmless most of the time...

But no need to buy insecticide full of chemicals!

Luckily, here's a super-effective grandmother's trick to get rid of spiders from the house for good.

The trick is to hang used tea bags with mint essential oil on them . Watch:

The Amazing Trick To Get Spiders Out Of The House Forever.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • Additional tips

What you need

- used mint green tea bags

- mint essential oil

How to

1. Collect several used tea bags.

2. Pour a few drops of mint essential oil on it.

3. Hang the sachets in places where spiders live.


And now, thanks to these tea bags, the spiders will quickly clear out of your home :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

With this natural repellent, no more spiders in the house!

They will quickly find your home inhospitable and run wild.

Goodbye cobwebs to clean all over the house.

And then, this trick is also a good way to reuse used tea bags.

Why does it work?

Mint is a well-known spider repellent. Spiders hate this smell and run away from it.

By combining mint essential oil and mint green tea bags, you will boost the effectiveness of your anti-spider product.

Additional advice

- You can replace mint essential oil with horse chestnut extract.

- To increase the effectiveness of your anti-spider product, you can also hang chestnut and tomato leaves. These are plants known to repel spiders. Spiders can't stand their smell. Check out the trick here.