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How to Get Rid of Mealybugs? My Gardener's Radical Tip.

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs? My Gardener s Radical Tip.

Are your indoor plants looking gloomy?

It may be that scale insects have decided to settle there!

The problem is that these little critters suck the sap from your plants...

But no need to buy a special product against mealybugs!

Not only is it not cheap, but it's also far from effective...

Fortunately, my gardener gave me his radical recipe to get rid of scale insects easily and quickly.

The trick is to pass a cotton swab soaked in pure white vinegar directly on the cochineals . Watch:

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs? My Gardener s Radical Tip.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- white vinegar

- Cotton Swab

- toothpicks

How to

1. Soak the cotton swab in pure white vinegar.

2. Pass it directly on the mealybugs.

3. Remember to treat all areas including under the leaves and between the leaves.

4. With the toothpick, dislodge those hiding in the folds of the leaves and roots.

5. Also dab them with white vinegar.


How to Get Rid of Mealybugs? My Gardener s Radical Tip.

And There you go ! Now you know how to get rid of scale insects on your houseplants :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

You don't even need chemicals to fight scale insects on your orchid.

If after a few days you see a cochineal reappear, take out the white vinegar and the cotton!

Be careful not to pour white vinegar on the roots or in the soil of the plant.

If this happens, run your plant lightly under the low-pressure shower.

Additional advice

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs? My Gardener s Radical Tip.

Note that mealybugs prefer to settle on orchids, ficus, palm trees and other plants in hot countries.

This trick works on mealybugs as well as cocklebugs.

For scale insects, you can also remove them by hand. It's long, but particularly effective.

Why does it work?

White vinegar dabbed on scale insects kills them immediately.

It also kills the eggs and therefore overcomes the invasion in just a few days.