Tired of flies flying around you?
It's true, impossible to enjoy the good weather without them coming to rest on us!
But there's no need to use an insecticide like Raid.
Not only is it full of toxic products for you and your family, but it's also not cheap...
Fortunately, there is an ULTRA effective and toxic-free repellent to easily repel flies .
All you need is a freezer bag, yellow coins and water. Watch:
- large bag with zip
- water
- yellow pieces
1. Fill the bag with water (half or full).
2. Put some yellow coins in the bag.
3. Close the bag.
4. Hang the bag high up where you want to keep flies away.
A farmer friend Louis revealed this trick to me when I visited his farm with my children last summer.
Louis has a wonderful farm, with an open barn where you can observe donkeys, horses, goats and other farm animals.
Despite the presence of all these animals, there was not a single fly ! Amazing, isn't it?
Curious, I asked Louis how he kept flies away.
He then pointed to large zip bags half-full of water hanging over the animals.
Louis explained to me that there is nothing more effective at repelling flies than a bag of water with a yellow piece at the bottom. This is how a natural insecticide against flies!
This is because the "eyes" of flies are made up of hundreds of tiny eyes, and the reflection of light off the water bag keeps them away .
But then, why put a yellow coin at the bottom of the bag?
Louis doesn't know exactly why it works, but he told me that all the local farmers do the same.
In his experience, a bag of water with a yellow coin inside is even more effective than a bag alone.
He added that he does not know exactly how many square meters are protected by a single bag.
But since it's cheap and super easy to do, he hung lots of bags over his animals to keep as many flies away as possible.
He also had water bags with a yellow coin inside around his terrace. And there too, there were no flies bothering us.
There you go, now you know the most effective and natural fly repellent :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You'll see, it's so nice to be able to have lunch without having flies buzzing everywhere!
Of course, I also tried this fly control method at home.
And I can tell you that it REALLY works. All the flies are gone! So if you too are fed up with flies, try this natural fly repellent!
Note that the water bag method only works on flies.
To get rid of other insects such as mosquitoes, ticks or horseflies, know that there are other effective tips like these.
Want even more natural alternatives to repel flies?
Another effective strategy to get rid of flies is to make a fly trap . The tutorial is here.