I love to create, recover and recycle unlikely objects that will end up in decoration in my house.
Pallets of course, branches, hangers, corks...
It's so much more economical and unique!
Let's take a look at 7 recycled ideas to bring your living room back to life at a lower cost. Watch:
A great classic of the DIY (DO It Yourself) movement, the use old pallets . Instead of throwing them away, we are going to transform them to create beautiful original shelves.
All you need to do is divide your palette into three parts. Do not forget to recover one of the boards to make the base of the shelf. Paint or leave unfinished.
And if like me, at the beginning, you don't know how to disassemble a pallet, go see this video, you will become a real pro!
Another piece of furniture to make using pallets :your TV stand! For our example, half a pallet will suffice, use the rest of the boards to consolidate the furniture.
You will only have to add four wheels if you wish, leave it raw or paint it to your liking.
An idea that I really liked, especially if you have budding artists in your home:create a display area of your drawings, sketches, sketches and paintings.
For this you will only need a few things, a few flat hangers (for pants or skirts) to hang your works and some cleats to fix to the wall.
Yes, you read that right ! And it will give your room a bohemian and romantic effect.
So you will need a branch that you will hang horizontally from your ceiling. Add a few glass candles, or simply a light garland, and voila!
To create a cozy atmosphere in your living room, you can use very simple utensils:two vases (one small and one large), a candle and corks.
The idea is to install the small vase in the big one, the space between the two being filled and secured by the corks. All you have to do is add your candle in the center. Its light will diffuse delicately between the corks and create a beautiful atmosphere.
Seen from here, it does not look great. Think again ! The result is stunning. Certainly, this shelf will not be made to accommodate your entire comic book collection, but on the other hand, it will give an inimitable cachet to your room.
You will therefore need 2 boards quite thick and two old leather belts . Simple nails will be enough to attach the belts to the boards and the walls, and voilà, your shelves are finished!
The easiest recovery trick! The concept is simple, you will recover old wooden crates, clean them, stack them and... tadam! Your new library has just been created.
So of course, vintage lovers will improve the visual rendering by giving a coat of paint on the boxes to adapt them to their interior and accentuate their "old wood" aspect.
I love this easy, cheap, eco-friendly and really beautiful concept!
And if you're looking for other DIY ideas with recycled objects, you'll find them in this book.