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Some ideas for converting a basement into a living room

Some ideas for converting a basement into a living room

When square meters are sorely lacking, the well-appointed basement can turn into a completely habitable place.

But what is the best use for the cellar? Here are some interesting ideas to consider.

Questions to ask yourself

As the transformation of the basement into a living room often entails heavy work, many owners do not consider this solution to solve the space problems that are lacking in their home. However, the basement saves valuable square meters. What's more, when the premises are furnished with taste and aesthetics, this additional living space will add value to the property.

However, before seriously considering the project, one must first study its feasibility. And the first thing to do is to inquire at the Town Hall. Is it still possible to increase the living space of your house or not? In addition, if the basement exceeds 20 square meters, obtaining a building permit is mandatory, and for cellars of more than 170 square meters, the use of the services of an architect is essential.

In addition, certain constraints will have to be met, such as a minimum height of 2.10 meters for the ceiling, for example. And since the basement is the part of the house most subject to humidity, the walls and flooring must be treated accordingly. In addition, as in the majority of cases this place is rather dark and therefore conducive to the reception of various pests, rat and insect control sessions may also be scheduled.

Finally, to properly light and ventilate the premises, the installation of new windows may be recommended, without forgetting the installation of an electrical installation to standards. And the room must also have good sound and heat insulation. This is why you should not hesitate to seek the advice of a professional on the possibilities offered by the basement. This service provider can also inform you about any work to be done to make the place fit for habitation.

The basement is transformed into a living space

Some ideas for converting a basement into a living room

Once all the conditions have been met, the destination and use of the premises can be defined. A baby is on the way and with the birth of a new child, you will run out of space? The basement can perfectly accommodate the bedroom of a teenager or a student. In this case, to make the room a comfortable and warm place, lay carpet or floating parquet on the cold concrete floor.

To brighten the room, light shades will be preferred for the paint and wallpaper on the walls. And to give an enlargement effect to the transformed basement, the ceiling will be entirely in white.

Transform your basement into a games and relaxation room

Otherwise, as an alternative, the basement can also serve as a relaxation and party space to receive friends and relatives. Here, treat yourself by setting up a bar and why not a pool table.

For a cozy atmosphere, opt for wall sconces in terms of lighting and floor lamps. If the premises are well soundproofed, you can also do karaoke there, or even set up a small studio there, without the risk of upsetting your neighbors with your deafening noises of drums and guitar.

And thanks to its easy soundproofing, the cellar can also be converted into a private cinema. Then invest in an overhead projector, a projection screen, without forgetting the ultra comfortable seats, and why not a small popcorn machine?!

Is your house too noisy and you need a quiet place to work or indulge in your favorite hobbies? Your cellar can also be changed into an office with its small library, or even into a workshop for the various manual works.