There is an amazing variety of gels and creams to fight cellulite .
But hey, at a minimum of €15 a bottle not everyone can afford them.
I have a natural and effective solution for losing cellulite that my mom uses regularly:apply ivy poultices.
Ideal for overcoming the orange peel effect, getting rid of cellulite and being able to play naiads by the water this summer!
You know the one that grows and invades our facades and trees. For a decoction, the leaves are used, but the berries are also effective. The proportions are 200 g of leaves for 1 l of water.
To prepare the paste necessary for the poultice, powdered green clay is used.
1. Boil 1 liter of clear water with 200 g of climbing ivy in a covered saucepan for 10 minutes.
2. Filter and allow the resulting mixture to cool.
3. Mix the resulting liquid with the green clay.
4. Add water to obtain a consistent paste.
There you go, you have made your natural poultice to fight cellulite :-)
It will keep for up to a week in the fridge. Ivy is poisonous , it should not be ingested.
So be sure not to leave this lotion within reach of children and to wash all the utensils used for this preparation.
Be careful not to use metallic material which would cause the clay to lose all its properties.
The paste obtained must be applied to the areas to be treated. Take it off in the shower when completely dry.
You will see the results are spectacular. Used regularly, the climbing ivy poultice will replace all the slimming and anti-cellulite creams that are sold to us for more than 10 € on the market and whose effectiveness remains to be proven.