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Siri vs Google Now vs Cortana for Home Voice Control

Siri, Google Now and Cortana:three leading voice assistants that can complete your automated tasks. They are highly recommended by smart home users and are constantly evolving to deliver better results. And while each wizard is great for what it's designed to do, it has flaws and limitations.

To find out which one is best for you and which voice assistant fits your specific needs, we've revealed the pros and cons of Siri, Google Now, and Cortana.

Apple Siri

Big-name Apple competes in the smart home arena with its impressive voice assistant, Siri, and home automation device, HomeKit. Together, they work with a variety of smart home brands, including ecobee, Honeywell, NanoLeaf, iHome, and Philips Hue, with more brands expected to come.

The smart assistant and HomeKit can wirelessly automate a whole host of smart products, including Bluetooth devices, smart locks, smart lights, and thermostats, just to name a few, with Siri playing a big role in every automation process.

Con:Siri can be difficult to use

Sometimes Siri can be a pain though.

Using the wrong phrase like “Select the…” instead of “Turn on…” or “Turn off…” can confuse Siri, which can be quite annoying at times.

Additionally, Siri has so far demonstrated an inability to answer complex questions, instead using juvenile humor to address your commands when she can't understand. This is a problem, and something Apple will need to address.

Cons:lack of predictive responses

Also, Apple's Siri is not good at knowing what you want.

For example, Siri will tell you about the weather when you ask, but it won't automatically tell you about other important information like traffic, nearby restaurants, etc., which Cortana and Google Now do extremely well.

Con:Siri doesn't live in the cloud

Additionally, Siri's incompatibility with working in the cloud has limited its ability to compete with other voice assistants. Tim Cook and other Apple executives say this is to protect privacy.

Sounds good, but can be a problem when trying to connect with smart devices.

Con:limited connectivity with devices

Smart home users have pointed to Apple's limited integration with some devices, as HomeKit only works with products that meet strict security and privacy criteria.

If a smart product doesn't make the cut, HomeKit won't connect, which could leave you with smart technology that can't be used, or can only be used through other voice assistants like Cortana or Google Now, which can be annoying.

Some big-name smart home brands that get skipped include Nest, SmartThings, and Belkin WeMo, to name just a few. These are leading brands that many smart home users have installed in their homes and invested a lot of money. That's a big problem..

To some, these issues have led to a declining user base, evident in Apple's ambitious, yet slow-to-deploy, home automation goals.

But let's not pretend that Siri is completely unusable and not a viable voice assistant. Here are some pros to take note of:

Pro:more natural

Unlike Google Now, Siri understands colloquial language better, which makes it more natural to use. For me, this is huge and makes me feel more comfortable when using the wizard.

While it does require certain phrases to execute commands, its understanding of informal language is certainly a plus.

Additionally, Siri is great at accommodating voice commands when used regularly, especially if those commands are coming from a user. So while Siri may seem annoyed at times, remember that practice makes perfect, even for automated voice assistants.


Plus, Siri has a great personality.

Don't get me wrong, when you avoid questions and answers with juvenile humor, it can be annoying. But when you complete a home automation task while telling a joke or throwing a fresh easter egg, it makes using the voice tool exciting and fun. For me, that goes a long way.

Pro:Apple's Home App

Another big plus is Apple's new HomeKit, which makes it easier for you to use Siri to automate your household tasks.

You can use it on Apple Watch, iPad, and Apple TV, giving you more opportunities to interact with Siri. That's very nice.

Pro:on the right track

And finally, while Apple's smart home rise has been a while in the making, perhaps for the better, it seems to be on the right track in delivering exciting and innovative technology.

How is that? We're talking about Apple here, which introduced Siri as the first intelligent assistant and has increased its spending on research and development to improve products and update existing services. This is just good news for Apple lovers who want to use Siri to automate their home services.

Window Cortana

And now, let's talk about Cortana..

Microsoft has joined the smart home scene with Cortana, its version of an intelligent voice assistant. And recently, Microsoft made it a point to tackle Google and Apple by announcing that more products will be connected.

Pro:More connectivity

In its current state, Apple's strict regulations have impeded its ability to connect. That hurdle has helped Microsoft connect with those devices, offering an opportunity for the short-lived voice tool to gain some traction.

And the future looks even brighter for Microsoft, as Microsoft Assistant will soon be able to connect to more devices and protocols. The new Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), scheduled for 2017, is one of the protocols that promises to "move industries and the world forward" in connecting your devices.

Also announced was Open Translators to Things, which Microsoft says "helps app developers more easily interact with the 'Things' (eg light bulbs) around them."

And IoTivity, which enables “seamless” open source connectivity until OCF is complete, was also recently unveiled, enabling even more innovation and connection. The future is bright for Microsoft, as the voice assistant is expected to play a major role in executing commands for its smart home products.


But let's move on to what Cortana can do now.

One thing I like about Cortana is the way she anticipates questions and provides relevant answers without having to ask more questions, using a so-called Notebook.

For example, when you request the weather, you will get additional relevant information. This can be a huge advantage when ordering your thermostat, for example. Apple's Siri doesn't do this as well, as mentioned above.

Con:Lack of conversational knowledge

But Siri beats Cortana with her ability to understand informal language. Cortona (and Google Now) can be easily confused when asked questions using conversational language, which can complicate things when used to automate your home.

This is something Cortana will have to do better if she wants to compete.

Con:too slow

Another problem is that some have said that Cortona is the slowest in responding to voice commands. And while this topic is hotly debated, users test it repeatedly, which means we at least have some evidence.

There are reasons for its slow response:Cortona updates your Notebook and even opens web pages to answer some questions, which can slow down your response. Although these automated tasks help you solve future commands and questions, it can be annoying when all you want to do is automate a smart home gadget.

When Cortana works, it's great, but it crashes more often than Siri and Google Now, also evident by some online users.

Featuring:New Kid on the Block

Last but not least, Cortana is the newest voice tool on the block. It's hard to fault Microsoft for this, but Cortana was released in 2014, while Siri was released in 2011 and Google Now was released in 2012.

For me, that extra time spent on the block, so to speak, adds to the "life experience" of Siri and Google Now, and certainly helps in the research and development phases.

Google Now

And now in Google Now:Google's voice assistant connects to the Google Home speaker to better automate your life, and is seen as the next big competitor to Apple's Siri.

How is that? Unlike Siri, some describe Google Now as better answering questions and completing tasks by getting things done before you know you need them. How to use Google Now to automate your home and life How to use Google Now to automate your home and life Google Now can serve as voice control for your smart home gadgets, post to your favorite social media accounts, and even make a track your health. Read more.

Pro:Google predictability

What does that mean? This means that it can provide information and services based on your browsing habits. You can better "learn," anticipate and predict what you might ask for or want.

While this may scare some people, it can make a world of difference in automating chores and understanding what you might want.

Apple and Windows certainly can't compete in this regard.

Pro:Lots of services

Also, Google has a huge head start in terms of available apps and services. You can use Google Now to complete tasks or answer questions with the help of Google Calendar, Play, Drive, Photos, etc., many of which are online. It also takes advantage of its long-standing search engine. This could be especially useful for services in your home.

Con:lack of personality

There is a huge lack of customization when using Google.

As it stands now, Cortona and Siri are easier to use because they have personalities. And while they can get annoying at times, a more personalized approach is better and would do Google good.

For some, the lack of name and personality can make it difficult to use Google Now.

Con:Battery Usage

And finally, the issue of battery life..

While this is debatable, many know that Google Now consumes more battery power than other voice tools. Some people have even turned off their assistant to save battery life.

That's not something Google wants as it tries to become the leading intelligent voice assistant.

Which voice assistant is better?

So there you have it. These are the three leading voice assistants designed to better automate your home. They are well appreciated, a great investment, and honestly, they are great products that will only get better with time.

While each assistant can be great, there are factors that you'll probably prefer over the others. So choose your device wisely and consider everything before choosing your smart home voice assistant. You may be saving yourself from unwanted stress and wasted time.

Which voice assistant do you use for automated tasks in your home? Which do you think is better? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below...