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This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

Smart fitness equipment is already enhancing our workouts like never before, and there are many other ways that will revolutionize the way we look at health and fitness in the future!

It seems like everyone I talk to these days has a Fitbit, an Apple Watch, or some other kind of wireless activity tracker. These apps are amazing for keeping people motivated to be active and helping them track their fitness levels and weight. Best of all, this data can be easily transferred between apps and devices via centralized databases like Apple's Health app, creating a virtual (albeit somewhat limited) representation of an individual's health and fitness. ..

As amazing as this fitness technology revolution has been, it's actually in its infancy. Technology has already completely changed the way we communicate, learn and create; now is the time to see how the future of fitness equipment will redefine fitness, athletics, and health.

Redesigned Fitness Equipment

It's amazing how much data has been collected through accessories like Fitbits, SmartWatches, and home fitness equipment with internet connectivity. 6 Best Home Fitness Products That Talk to the Internet. For a while, you'll soon see new fitness devices that talk to the Internet to keep you motivated, track progress, and help you improve your fitness habits. Read More

Smart shoes

This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

Shoes may be one of the most basic pieces of gym equipment, but they're also one of the most important sports investments you'll ever make. Because of its huge role in proper gait, support, technique, and injury prevention, making sure you get the best shoe for your needs is key, whether you're training for a half marathon. Train for a Half Marathon with These Running Websites and Tools Train for a Half Marathon with These Running Websites and Tools Read More

Imagine shoes that can create a virtual map of your foot, highlighting what your gait pattern looks like, the amount of force you exert, and alerting you when it's time to invest in a new pair of shoes.

Looking beyond their physical attributes, imagine the widespread use of shoes like the Lechal shoe. Lechal offers shoes and insoles that connect to Google Maps via Bluetooth. Schedule in your route before you leave the house, and your shoes will vibrate at every turn, eliminating any need for you to keep checking your phone while you're out for a walk or run! Lechal shoes also count each step you take more accurately than a pedometer on your wrist, calculate distance traveled, and can be programmed to keep you moving at a set pace.

Specialized Fitness Equipment

This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

For athletes who specialize in a single sport, getting intense feedback on specific movements and skills is a key component to improving over time.

For these athletes, developments in fitness technology like the FWD Powershot hockey training system tracker may be the best way to gain individualized insight into their game and abilities. Powershot software can be added to any existing hockey stick (installs on top of the stick) and analyzes the speed, angle, weight transfer and shape of the player's shots, which can then be transferred via Bluetooth to the Powershot mobile app for easy viewing.

Whether for hockey or any other sport, having this type of information at the fingertips of players can be invaluable in improving their form and performance. The detailed and instant performance feedback available during a big game or during practice sessions may completely change the level at which amateur and professional sports are played in the very near future!

Video Feedback

This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

While it's great to have a coach give you personalized feedback, being able to view and monitor your own form is still very helpful when it comes to exercising effectively and safely.

Samsung SMART TVs now offer a great way to exercise at home with visual feedback that's much more effective than trying to see your posture in a reflective window or too-small vanity mirror while trying to follow free exercise videos on YouTube. 7 Best YouTube Workout Channels For Working Out At Home 7 Best YouTube Workout Channels For Working Out At Home Gyms and personal trainers help the wealthy get straight out of their beds and into the gym. We lesser mortals have to draw on our powers of self-motivation and discipline to attack the few... Read More (we've all been there, right?).

The Samsung SMART TV Fitness VOD app is designed to act as a personalized training regimen that guides you through different routines to help you achieve your fitness goals. Your setup includes a virtual mirror that uses your TV's camera to reflect an image of you performing the same action as your fitness instructor. This can help you identify areas for improvement and acknowledge your successes, and can be a great form of feedback as you exercise!

Just think how much further this technology can go! Instead of simply reflecting an image of you on the screen, perhaps a 3D scanner can accurately monitor your body position and provide instant feedback on your form.

Data Collection

One of the coolest things about the developments we're currently seeing in fitness technology is the sheer amount of data that's being collected. This data has the opportunity to consolidate into an incredible amount of information about every aspect of our health and fitness; all that remains is for this data to become more specific, organized and accessible.

Activity and sleep trackers

This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

As I mentioned earlier, wearable activity trackers are becoming almost ubiquitous, especially since iOS 8 turned every iPhone 5S and up into a pedometer! Physical Activity Is Important For Brain Health Use These 5 Apps To Walk More And Improve Brain Health Use These 5 Apps To Walk More And Improve Brain Health We're all desperately looking for ways to improve our brain function, but it could be as simple as Walking down the block! Read More Many activity trackers like the Fitbit Surge double as sleep trackers, another important determinant of your physical and mental health.

There are many ways to use Fitbit creatively. Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life. devices to use as your first step toward building what many people would consider a "smart home." Read More Knowing exactly how active you are and how long you're sleeping can go a long way toward maintaining and improving your daily activity levels.

In the future, the data collected from all of these trackers may prove to be incredibly useful in targeted interventions for those most at risk of developing chronic diseases that result from inactivity or poor sleep. This data can also be used in an electronic medical context, allowing doctors and health professionals to better understand the habits and well-being of patients.

Analysis of the body and health

It's almost impossible to get an objective understanding of what your body looks like and how healthy you are. People like to exaggerate the best parts of themselves and their areas of need, which can make it difficult to develop and carry out fitness plans that give them the results they want.

Scales like the Withings Smart Body Analyzer can already give you a good idea of ​​your daily health by measuring your weight, body fat percentage and heart rate and sending this information to an app where you can monitor your fitness trends. Health. hour. This is especially helpful for those who are gaining muscle, as muscle weighs more than fat and only a digital scale can indicate weight gain without showing accompanying body fat loss.

Just as today's digital scales can't compare to smart scales, smart scales really are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to measuring and understanding the health of different body shapes.

A future measurement system that not only took into account your body fat percentage, but also transformed the data into an accurate virtual representation of your body and its measurements could help people identify exactly what their fitness goals should be ..

Put Fitness Tech to the test

Having unlimited amounts of data is awesome, but it's ultimately useless unless it's effectively harnessed and used collaboratively across devices. If the next season of fitness technology uses the data that has already been mined effectively, there really is no limit to what could be achieved!

Redefining research

One of the biggest difficulties facing current health and fitness studies is finding the necessary funding and participants to access the data they need. With fitness equipment measuring more and more aspects of health, it is possible that this information could be directed to research in the fields of medicine, health, and fitness.

Currently, the foundation for this kind of cooperative research experience has been laid by Apple's ResearchKit open source initiative. ResearchKit has great potential Participate in medical studies with your iPhone and ResearchKit Participate in medical studies with your iPhone and ResearchKit Researchers have been looking for the perfect way to track health statistics on a large scale and your iPhone may be the solution they have been looking for. Read More There are many methodological research concerns that have yet to be addressed, but once they are available, the research possibilities could be endless.

By removing the financial and accessibility restrictions that are currently prevalent in scientific research, these fields will be able to advance at a much faster rate. The more information you get from the studies, the faster and better the fitness technology becomes, a never-ending cycle that benefits everyone involved!

Virtual Coaching

With easier access to data and research information comes better capacity for both real and virtual coaches. Personally, I don't think anything can beat the influence of a dedicated human trainer, but I think there's also a lot of room for improvement over the current "virtual trainers" offered by many of the fitness apps currently on the market.

As fitness technology allows more and more data to be collected, the virtual coaches used by fitness tech programs can be more nuanced, and hopefully they can compete with real coaches in their explicit instructions and immediate corrections to your form. .

Additionally, this information could be integrated into gym machines, which could allow you to get a pre-built workout designed specifically for your needs that could be implemented without you having to figure out what weights to increase, or how many reps to perform. do.

Creation of experts

This is what Smart Fitness Equipment will soon know about your health

Trainers are a valuable and necessary component of most fitness efforts, but the true value of future fitness technology will be the control it gives you over your own fitness, health, and body. Once you have access to information about your body and fitness level, and can interpret and organize the data, you are essentially unstoppable.

When it's time to push, you're the only one who can create change for your body - no amount of fancy technology or expert training can influence you if you're not motivated to get in shape.

Making fitness and data technology available and accessible will allow athletes and couch potatoes to monitor their health and fitness How to Lose Weight and Save Money with Smart Feedback How to Lose Weight and Save Money with Smart Feedback Are Your Attempts to Evaluate Yourself? ? Was improvement met with nothing but frustration and lack of progress? Fortunately, the simple technique of intelligent feedback could help you achieve your long-term goals. Read More

Future technology for fitness will help keep people safe, keep people healthy, and inspire understanding of the possibility of achieving it. Nowadays, people are simply not aware of how their body works, and what physical activity and specific exercises can do for them. Fitness technology has the potential to make everyone an expert in their own body's needs and strengths, which could completely change our society's current (and terrifying) health trajectory.

Is it the future of fitness now?

It's definitely a delicate balance:fitness equipment and health-tracking technology are fun, but can sometimes take the joy out of playing a game of basketball or just going for a run to clear your head. Having access to all the data about your health is often inspiring for many, but it can also be a task for others. Do you currently use any fitness technology? What developments in fitness technology are you most excited to see in the future?