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Are you going to live together soon? This is what you have to think about

Do you have plans to move in together soon? Chances are you've been looking forward to that for a long time, after all, living together can be a lot of fun. Cooking together, watching series together and falling asleep together:it's all part of it. But what does it actually involve when you move in together? Living together with your partner is not nothing, there are quite a few things that need to be arranged. What do you have to think about? We list a number of important things in this article, so read on!

Talk about the layout of your house

Before you actually start living together, there are of course things that need to be arranged. The same goes for the furnishing of your new place. It is always good to communicate clearly with each other at all times. Listen to each other's wishes and don't immediately write everything off if you don't like it at first. Try to work it out together, after all you should both be satisfied with the furnishing of your new home.

Make agreements about money

In order not to get skewed faces, it is good to make agreements about money when you start living together. When you make clear agreements with each other, you know exactly what you expect from each other. You could make agreements about, for example, rent or mortgage, gas, water and electricity, groceries, insurance, subscriptions and so on. When cohabiting, also discuss carefully whether you plan to save together or separately. This can prevent misunderstandings!

Draw up a cohabitation contract

When cohabiting, you could also think about drawing up a cohabitation contract. This is not mandatory, but it can be useful to record certain agreements. For example what happens if you break up. It's obviously not something you like to think about when you just start moving in together, but you never know what the future will bring. Drawing up clear agreements in a cohabitation contract can be sensible in this case. However, this entails costs. The costs of a cohabitation contract can be quite high. If you are convinced that it is good to draw up such a contract, it is therefore good to compare the different rates of notaries.

Check insurance carefully

If you are going to live together, it may be a good idea to check your insurance policies. Perhaps you both have insurance policies that you can make together. There are plenty of insurance policies that you can take out together. For example, your household insurance, home insurance, legal expenses insurance, health insurance or travel insurance.

Continuing to communicate well, making agreements about money, looking for a civil-law notary in Tilburg, Amsterdam or elsewhere for a cohabitation contract and checking your insurance policies:these are handy things to do when you start living together. You'd better get it all sorted out so that you and your partner don't get any unexpected surprises. Then you can fully enjoy the time you will spend together!