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Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and GiveawayWhether your goal is to maintain a healthy weight or lose those extra pounds, tracking changes Weight loss is an essential part of the process. Any obstacle to doing so, whether it's having to launch an app or scamming for a pen, will eventually stop your efforts (yes, you're that lazy).

With the Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale , you don't need to waste those extra moments - it will sync your stats and store them for you. Now all you need to do is focus on exercising. We're giving away a Fitbit Aria , so read on to find out more about it, then join the contest!

The Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale retails for $129.95 and supports up to 8 users. The only competitor on the market is the $150 Withings WS50 Smart Body Analyzer, which also supports 8 users but with the added feature of monitoring air quality and temperature to ensure a good night's sleep ( Assuming you put it in your room, which is a bit weird to be honest).

Core functionality:weight tracking and multiple users

The main purpose of the Fitbit Aria scale, of course, is to track and sync weight, and this works well through the accompanying Fitbit service that we cover in our Fitbit One activity review. Giveaway Fitbit One Wireless Activity and Sleep Tracker Review and Giveaway Fitbit One is an activity monitor and sleep tracker. It counts steps taken, distance traveled, stairs climbed and calories burned. In sleep mode, it tracks the number of times you got up or were awake,… Read more The device is also capable of remembering multiple users and automatically detecting them by body weight variation. With my wife and I, this works fine, but if you have a family of 8, the maximum number of users you can handle, some of the weight ranges may overlap. When this happens, the Fitbit Aria will choose its best guess, at which point you can back away and tap the scales to choose alternate users; then just leave them alone while the progress bar counts down.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

Inviting other users is simple, but you have to use the app or website to do it. There is no configuration management on the device itself.

Very occasionally, he has not recognized my wife, assigning her weight as a guest. You can fix them from the device management page through the Fitbit online dashboard.

I should note that there may be a little variation in weight tracking, even minute by minute, from about 0.1 to 0.5kg. It's not very important, but if you're an athlete who wants to rely on precision measurements, this isn't for you. I also can't explain the variance - it was placed on a level surface, not a carpet, which would normally cause that. Maybe my bathroom floor is wobbling..


Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

The case is barely bigger than the Fitbit Aria; an inner box provides all the padding needed to protect the scales.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

Nothing else is provided except a small instruction manual. The Fitbit Aria takes 4 AA batteries:they are supplied already inserted, with a small tab to activate them..

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway


Opting for white, although a black model is also available, the Fitbit Aria scale fits perfectly into your home in a bathroom, with smooth corners to prevent nasty accidents.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

The top of the device is a conductive glass panel, with a small circular LCD screen. Satisfyingly glows blue , as all good electronics should.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

Reading has light gray text with a blue backlight; long messages scroll through a few characters at a time, but the weights and user id (consisting of 3 initials) are displayed in full.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

The bottom is a curiously elaborate bubble design, strange because it doesn't show up at all in normal use.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway


I had no problem setting up the Fitbit Aria in 5 minutes, but I must admit it can be a bit of a hassle for those who are less tech-minded. If the concept of switching Wi-Fi networks confuses you, you will have problems..

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

There are two methods to set up Fitbit Aria. The first method is to use the web-based tool from a mobile device. Go to to get started. As the tutorial page explains, to activate setup mode, flip the scales over and remove only one battery. Replace it, and the screen should show “Active Configuration”. At this point, the Fitbit Aria scale generates its own Ad hoc Wi-Fi network, to which you should connect your device when prompted. You can then continue with setup to enter your home network details. Note that you will need to know the type of authentication that is being used. It's a laborious process that has to be restarted from the beginning if you make a mistake.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

The second method is to use a dedicated app for PC or Mac, though you'll still need a Wi-Fi-capable computer, and it's basically the same process.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

“Smart” Scales:BMI and body fat

In addition to the ability to upload and store your weight data over Wi-Fi, the Fitbit Aria scale calculates your BMI and body fat percentage using a common method of measuring electrical conductance:standing over the four electrical plates on the scale. scale, a very small one Electric current passes through you. You need to be barefoot for this to work, of course. And of course, it syncs the data with your Fitbit account, so you can see the trend over time.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

However, it should be noted that this method of measuring body fat will produce dramatically different results depending on the time of day and how hydrated you are. Even testing at the same time every day would not give accurate results, so the measurements should not be considered scientifically valid. Rather, you should consider overall trends over time to be significant, not individual readings from day to day. The only really accurate method of measuring body fat is to use a pair of calipers to pinch and measure your skin in different places.

However, there are other devices on the market that offer more "smart" capabilities - just no Wi-Fi syncing. My previous bathroom scales were actually the ones I had brought from Japan, made by Omron and bearing the brand name. “KARADA Scan” (being karada body in Japanese) - and can be purchased in the US for between $70 for the basic domestic model and $200 for an advanced import model from Japan. With an additional set of conductive plates that you hold at arm's length, they offer a more detailed breakdown of body fat in each part of your body, as well as giving you a score based on how old it thinks your body is.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

However, I must admit that the reading provided by a full body scanner was always pretty useless to me:having a record of my weight and BMI changes online and graphing them over time is much more useful. Or maybe they just told me I had the body of a 40 year old that made me feel those scales again.

Integration with Fitbit

As its name suggests, the Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale is made by Fitbit and as such works best when used in conjunction with an activity tracker like the Fitbit One Fitbit One Wireless Activity and Sleep Tracker Review and Giveaway. Sleep Tracker Review and Giveaway Fitbit One is an activity monitor and sleep tracker. It counts steps taken, distance traveled, stairs climbed and calories burned. In sleep mode, it tracks the number of times you got up or were awake,… Read More .

As I mentioned in the Fitbit One review, the site is simple, functional, with easy-to-use graphic capabilities. In the weight section, you can also track body measurements.

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Review and Giveaway

To use body measurement tracking, you will need to scroll down to the manual weight entry section and click the link to “record other measurements”.

Durability (and support)

A month after receiving the Fitbit Aria, the rightmost 1/3 portion of the screen stopped working; otherwise the device was fine, it would still log the weight over Wi-Fi, and might get the first 1 or 2 digits of the number, but obviously this is a flaw that shouldn't happen. Se había salpicado una pequeña cantidad de agua en el uso diario; después de todo, las básculas generalmente se colocan en el baño, pero nada que pueda causar un daño tan grave.

Sin embargo, su servicio es ciertamente digno de elogio. Me puse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia y recibí una respuesta en unas horas ofreciendo el envío de una unidad de reemplazo, que acepté y recibí dentro de la semana. Por supuesto, estaba dentro de la garantía, pero aún así, me impresionó, especialmente considerando que había sido una compra por Internet..

La siguiente unidad que enviaron no se ha roto todavía, así que asumo que esto no es un defecto de diseño y quizás fue solo uno. Tómalo como quieras.

¿Deberías comprar el Fitbit Aria??

Hacer un seguimiento de su peso es esencial para perder peso, pero las herramientas para registrarlo manualmente pueden ser agotadoras. La Escala Inteligente Wi-Fi de Fitbit Aria elimina ese esfuerzo y automatiza el proceso, y lo hace bien. Aunque las mediciones de la grasa corporal no serán precisas, son una tendencia útil para ver con el tiempo, y el sitio de Fitbit con el que se integra es una herramienta de capacitación competente, especialmente cuando se combina con un dispositivo de seguimiento de actividad Fitbit. Dicho esto, solo he perdido alrededor de 1 kg en 6 meses, pero creo que eso se debió básicamente a la hibernación durante el invierno. Trae en primavera y luego veremos qué pasa.! (Muy bien, probablemente nada sucederá en la primavera)

Nuestro veredicto de la Fitbit Aria :
Cómprelo si necesita un rastreador de peso fácil y no puede molestarse con las aplicaciones; de lo contrario, es simplemente otro gadget de lujo que probablemente no pueda usar.10

¿Cómo gano el Fitbit Aria??

El sorteo ha terminado. Felicidades, Debra Turner ! Habría recibido un correo electrónico de [email protected] Por favor responde antes del 22 de mayo para reclamar tu premio. Las consultas posteriores a esta fecha no serán atendidas..