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Install new or replacement electric heaters:advice and cost

Are you planning to replace your old radiators with recent models or have high-performance electric heaters installed in your new home? To benefit from the advantages of this increasingly expensive energy, it is necessary to make the right choices in terms of material, equipment and management. Follow the guide.

Electric heating:advantage or disadvantage?

Choosing electric heating for your home has certain advantages. The investment is low and the installation of a radiator is easy and within everyone's reach. This type of device has a good lifespan and requires no maintenance once in place. In the case of inertia radiators, you have good thermal comfort. GIFAM has published a study revealing that replacing an old electric radiator with a recent model can generate up to 30% energy savings.

On the other hand, the cost of energy can be prohibitive for an electric heating installation in a poorly insulated house knowing that this type of energy is not eligible for financial aid. The loss of heat will cause greater consumption which will thus increase the amount of the energy bill. In addition, the thermal comfort will be insufficient with a convector type radiator model. Finally, since electricity is essentially of nuclear origin, it entails environmental risks as long as the problem of nuclear waste is not settled, on the one hand, and on the other hand, its price will only increase in the future due to investments intended to dismantle certain reactors or to extend their lifetime, to manage waste storage, to prevent any risk of major accident.

How to choose the right electric heater?

Faced with the many models of electric heaters on the market, it can be difficult to know which type to choose. You will find three main categories:convectors, radiant heaters and heated floors. To make the best choice, estimate your needs in terms of thermal comfort and choose the most suitable technology.

Electric convectors

This type of heating uses convection by heating the fresh air by means of a resistance. If its purchase price is low, it does not provide any thermal comfort. The heat rises to the ceiling and forces you to increase the temperature to feel a little comfort, which causes overconsumption and dries the air.

The blower system, used for towel dryers, diffuses the heat by means of a ventilation system which circulates the air to heat the room quickly. The diffusion being forced, these models are suitable for rooms whose use is brief for rapid and not prolonged heating.

Classic radiant heaters

These types of radiators use the phenomenon of radiation to heat your interior. It is no longer a question of heating the air directly, but of heating an aluminum plate which then diffuses its heat gently. This more pleasant heat is now the minimum comfort expected from an electric heater.

Inertial radians

Radians with fluid inertia work by means of a heat transfer fluid which is heated before radiating. The inertia avoids incessant on/off and diffuses a gentle heat. For a price equivalent to dry energy radians, they require the intervention of a professional in the event of a breakdown and the deposit at a fluid collector when it is at the end of its life, because of its not very respectful system. environment.

Dry inertia radials are just as comfortable. They work by means of an accumulator material which gently releases its heat. The inertia of the material makes it a more reliable model. The mass of the device impacts the thermal comfort of your rooms and cast iron inertia models have demonstrated a better quality/price ratio.

Double heating element radiators

These models combine a radiant facade and an accumulator material. Thus, the rise in temperature is rapid and the thermal comfort is superior. On the other hand, their high price can be a brake.

Infrared heaters

These heaters heat using infrared rays. Their warmth is important and pleasant. They are perfect for quickly heating a bathroom, for example, but their effect requires you to be in the field of vision of the device and the heat disappears as soon as they are switched off.

Electric underfloor heating

This system is very comfortable and heats over a large area. On the other hand, the regulation of heat is more complex. A lag occurs between ignition and the actual feeling of heat and the temperature distribution is difficult to adjust.

Install your electric heater yourself

Installing an electric heater is relatively simple in most cases. Nevertheless, it is important to respect some essential instructions.

  • In the case of a replacement, it is easier to keep the same slots as your old models. This will save you a lot of minor work and significant adjustments.
  • Comply with the C15100 standard in terms of safety rules for low voltage installations. Remember to turn off the power beforehand and scrupulously follow the instructions given in the installation instructions. If in doubt, contact a professional.
  • Make sure your home is properly insulated. If this is not the case, it is strongly recommended to review your insulation, this will limit heat loss and high energy bills spent for nothing.

Once the installation has been completed, establish a regulation of the programming of all your devices as closely as possible to your needs. You will thus avoid unnecessarily heating unoccupied rooms at certain times and you will greatly limit consumption losses. A well-sized and well-adjusted installation will allow you to heat yourself comfortably and for an absolutely correct price.

  • Centralized regulation allows all radiators to be controlled from the same place.
  • Regulation by communication makes it possible to define heating zones in order to control several devices simultaneously.
  • Adapted regulation adapts to your schedule and your needs.

How much does it cost to install electric heaters?

The price dedicated to your electric heaters – one-time purchase and daily use – will depend on the model(s) chosen. Most inexpensive appliances will incur a higher monthly energy bill than more expensive models. To find a real gain in terms of value for money, opt for models adapted to your consumption – even if it means equipping yourself with different models depending on your rooms. Arrange them in a thoughtful and optimized way to benefit from good thermal comfort in each of your rooms and regulate the system by means of programming that respects your habits and your lifestyle. This will be enough to significantly reduce your bill, a significant argument as the cost of energy continues to rise!

As an indication, in a suitably insulated dwelling, the equipment of three bedrooms by means of radiant radiators and the living room with dry inertia radiators will amount to between 2,200 and 2,500 euros, provided that you install them yourself. -same. If you have them installed by a professional, count on average 100 euros per radiator. Do not hesitate to make free quotes online if you choose this option.

Reduced rate VAT:who can claim it?

You can benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% as part of work to improve the quality of your heating, provided that your home has been completed for more than two years and that the work is carried out by a professional.