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What type of heating do you need?

The advantage with a newly built house is to have the possibility of selecting its heating system. Many possibilities are then offered to the owners. Help yourself with these few tips when making your choice.


In France, heating oil tops the list of heating fuels used by individuals. The reason is that this equipment is a very interesting investment. Indeed, if I refer to my case, the heaviest costs were mainly related to the purchase and installation of the equipment necessary for this type of heating. Thereafter, I regularly supply myself with fuel oil through Qualifioul, a domestic fuel oil distributor.

This is also one of the reasons why I preferred this heating mode. I do not need to travel to refuel, since the supplier takes care of it by moving to my home each time. The thing not to do is to go about it at the last minute to order your domestic fuel oil, especially during the long weekend. As soon as the gauge indicates a low level, the company must be informed without further delay.


Homeowners who do not have space to accommodate a domestic fuel oil tank can always opt for wood heating. However, they will face the same space concern as they will need to find a location to store the properly sized split wood. Two possibilities are offered to people who follow this method of heating. First of all, there are traditional fireplaces which are mainly used for their decorative aspect if they do not have inserts.

With an open hearth, the latter are very criticized for their very poor performance. With a fireplace, heat loss will be around 20%. Otherwise, if, like me, you cannot resist the charm of this heating equipment, invest in an insert to have a closed hearth. Guaranteed effect and no more heat loss problems. Otherwise, do as my neighbor does and get a wood-burning stove or boiler installed.


Finally, the other most common heating system in private homes is without all electricity. Unfortunately, if the installation of electric convectors is undoubtedly the least expensive heating system to install, the same is not true in terms of the annual operating cost:it is one of the most expensive. , especially if the electric heaters are old "toaster" type.

Fortunately, in recent years, it is mainly electric radiant panels that have been on the rise. As this equipment exploits the principle of radiation, the heat is diffused more evenly in a room. Hence its great comfort of use and its lower power consumption.

Personally, I am not at all interested in radiators. With the price of electricity constantly rising, betting on this type of device can only be expensive in the long term. And this even if compared to other heating equipment, the radiator is the most affordable. It is true, its maintenance is minimal. However, for fans of green energy, electricity is far from being environmentally friendly, because at the end of the day, there are nuclear power plants whose waste we do not know how to recycle...