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Deco in black and white:good idea but beware danger!

We thought it was kitsch and cheesy but we are wrong because when it is staged according to the rules of the art, the black and white decoration brings purity and elegance to our interiors. A short guide to skillfully apply it, without making any mistakes in taste.

Black and white decor:in which room?

Between contemporary and classicism, the black and white decoration can easily be introduced both in classic Haussmann apartments and in houses with chic and contemporary interiors. It finds its place more in living rooms such as the dining room, adult bedrooms or even the living room. On the other hand, it should be avoided in children's rooms, which are more dynamic and colorful. Ditto in the bathroom, because these two colors risk giving it a cold and austere air. Now, you know how cheerful and invigorating this piece should be, to promote your relaxation and well-being when taking your bath.

Deco in black and white:good idea but beware danger!

Keep a good balance

We say "yes" to black and white decoration and "no" to the imbalance it can create if it is poorly arranged. You should know that these two shades will never have the same weight. If you can use white at will, this will not be the case with black, which must be present in small touches on decorative objects or furniture. Absolutely avoid:repainting the ceiling or all the walls in this color. You risk losing all the light in your home. On the other hand, white can be omnipresent on furniture, walls or even fabrics.

Avoid 100% black and white

To avoid falling into the baroque, flee the total black and white design. It is very important to nuance when setting up your decoration. This winter, gray is particularly trendy. Do not hesitate to use it:pearl gray, anthracite gray… To give a touch of cheerfulness and modernity, you can also opt for more lively tones by using black and white as a base. Popular colors include turquoise, fuchsia, red, blue or silver.

Deco in black and white:good idea but beware danger!

Playing with materials

The choice of materials is also important. Know that a decoration made of black and white brings a dull rendering to your interior. Give it a more lively air by playing on shades and materials. Wool, linen, cotton, lace or even velvet are welcome. They can be found on carpets, curtains, furniture coverings or even cushions. In terms of furniture, lacquered white or stained wood offer a particularly striking effect when combined with a black and white decor.

Show some tricks

Playing with patterns is another effective way to highlight a black and white decoration. Graphic, stripe, geometric, let your imagination run wild. Likewise, choose the right light fixture. Avoid excessively strong light sources such as halogens and prefer those with dimmers and different heights.