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3 tips to remember for interior paint jobs

Painting a home requires devoting time to it, but also respecting fundamental steps such as preparing the surfaces or applying successive coats of paint. The objective is to have a perfectly smooth surface with an even coat of paint.

3 tips to remember for interior paint jobs

01 - It's all in the preparation

The preparation work is the longest and most complex to carry out, but it is also the one that will guarantee a high quality finish for the paintings and therefore ensure optimal decoration of the house or apartment. During this preliminary stage, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces to be painted. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, it will be necessary to strip the wallpaper and remove the glue, without forgetting to wash the wall to remove all the roughness present. For a placo wall, it will be necessary to ensure that the sanding has been carried out, coat and sand the damaged parts again and make sure that there are no traces of humidity, which could suggest, among other things, saltpeter is present (details are available on The Works Manual). It is only when the surfaces are perfectly smooth and dry that the painting work can begin.

02 – The choice of paint

The choice of paint is important, because some are of better quality than others and it is often the price that will determine the quality of the paint. The "first price" paints often have less coverage because they are more diluted, they will be suitable for touching up paint or painting a surface that is not very exposed (for example, behind kitchen furniture, in a garage, saddler not exposed to light…). It is therefore necessary to choose a paint with high covering power and do not forget to buy undercoat, it is a white paint which will make it possible to apply a homogeneous layer of paint on the wall and the ceiling. This first coat reduces the absorption of paint from certain porous walls and homogenizes surfaces that have different shades.

03 ​​– The application of paints

The wall is prepared, the paint is ready, all that remains is to apply the undercoat, then the two successive coats of paint. For each one, you must first apply the paint horizontally with the roller and then spread the paint in a uniform layer vertically. The direction of finish must be identical over the entire surface, for the walls, we go from top to bottom or from bottom to top. For ceilings, it is advisable to paint in the direction of daylight. That is to say that if the room is made up of a window, we will paint directly from the window, this makes it possible not to see the traces of rollers and this offers a superior finish result. Finally, if this work seems complicated and long to you, it is possible to call on a painter by submitting a quote request on the website