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Install a wind turbine easily at home

Install a wind turbine easily at home

A small French company, Eolie, markets wind turbines which aim to reduce your electricity bill without undertaking pharaonic installation work. Renaud Hesnard is therefore the young engineer who created Eolie in 2011, to design vertical wind turbines for individuals who want to find an alternative in terms of electrical energy supply.

An easy-to-install wind turbine

No need to look into installing a wind turbine if you live in an apartment! On the other hand, if you have a small garden, think about it! The advantage of this wind turbine is that it is very easy to install:at the top of the classic mast, the designers have installed a propeller that rotates vertically rather than blades. Once installed with a good wind outlet, all you have to do is plug it into an outlet and it will inject electricity into your home, in addition to that of your electricity supplier. The tests show a decrease in the electricity budget of 20%, which is not negligible!

The wind turbine is a small investment since its purchase cost is around 2,600 € after deduction of tax aid. No installation cost is to be added since you fix it yourself. Then, it will have to be cushioned, but after that the energy it produces is free:windy days will therefore be very productive!

As the mast measures only 4.50 m, no authorization or building permit is required. It is definitely very "fun" this 100% French wind turbine since its designers have imagined it in 10 different colors to be able to integrate into each of the regional landscapes.