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Which plants to prefer for a flower garden all year round?

Which plants to prefer for a flower garden all year round?

To enjoy beautiful colors in your garden, these practical tips will make the difference since they allow you to choose the right plants. When beautiful flowers can be observed, this outdoor space is enhanced and much more pleasant.

Bulbs and ideas for spring and summer

To have beautiful flowers to admire on sunny days, the site recommends turning to bulbs. Tulips are excellent choices or even garlic which gives beautiful purple flowers.

Which plants to prefer for a flower garden all year round?

To create a beautiful picture, magnificent plants are just waiting to be integrated into the layout of your garden. White or parma lilac can be added for spring flowering. Their sweet scent will also be a plus in the garden. Solanums and climbing plants are also nice.

Finally, groves of roses add incredible charm to the garden, as do hibiscuses which come in many colors. Do not hesitate to combine some of them for a unique visual. For pops of blue, lobelias are a great idea as they make gorgeous blooms to admire in spring and summer.

Beautiful cold seasons

For the garden to impress with color and beauty in autumn and winter, the landscaper will suggest associations. Certain flowers and plants indeed bloom during this period for the happiness of the eyes.

Which plants to prefer for a flower garden all year round?

Rudbeckias close to sunflowers are able to withstand the climatic conditions of these seasons. Their beautiful color is very pleasant and illuminates the garden. Dahlias are perfect in the fall and their gradual flowering is a real delight in the garden. Asters that look like daisies are also to be preferred during these cold seasons.

In the heart of winter, certain plants like the climbing jasmine are perfect for keeping the outdoor space beautiful. Its small yellow flowers are absolutely beautiful. In the same shades, the winter mimosa is one of the choices that sublimate the garden. For a unique result, the camellias which have the particularity of flowering in winter.

However, it would be necessary to turn to the sasanqua variety to be sure that it holds up during the cold nights. Resistant, the flowers offered can be white, red or pink. For the end of winter, pink daphne are an excellent choice.