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spring onion

What goes well on the plate in spring with a tender radish, a tasty salad, a crunchy bean, you will answer me salted butter. Certainly, but we do not yet grow them in the vegetable garden. I wanted you to say the spring onion . And why speak in this early fall of the spring onion? because it's still time to transplant it . For sowing, it is starting to be a little late, except in the privileged regions and by choosing the variety well. But on the market, your favorite plant supplier has done the first job for you and should be able to offer you cute little onions, ready to plant and adapted to your climate.

Onions hate cold and humidity . Gardener warned by being worth two, the onion only has to behave well, and if possible on top of a hill in order to avoid soaking in a ground full of water and cold. Brrrr.
Prepare a mountain 20 cm high for it and you will transplant your future spring sweets every 10 cm. In cold regions, cover your plants with a winter veil. Beware of leaves and straws that can trap too much moisture.

The bulb will have several stems. You can harvest one per plant from April to replace chives in salads, or cook it with your first vegetables. It's very good!
Spring onion bulbs can be harvested on demanduntil June . If you planted enough…

spring onion


spring onion

spring onion, planted in autumn