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Can you enjoy a pool without maintenance?

It is essential not to neglect the maintenance of your swimming pool. It must be maintained regularly if you want to avoid the overpopulation of algae, limestone and bacteria of all kinds.

What happens when a swimming pool is not maintained?

Buying a pool and swimming in it as it is, without having to maintain it, can be tempting. However, without a few basic hygiene rules, it can be really harmful to use a swimming pool that is not maintained regularly. Moreover, when a pool is not cleaned, it is immediately noticeable. Indeed, the water is no longer clear as it should be, but, on the contrary, shows a cloudy appearance, even a greenish color. This is a sign that many microorganisms, but also algae, and other bacteria, are found there in quantity. You should know that by dint of swimming, the people who use the pool, even if it is clean, will be responsible for all kinds of deposits directly in the water. Perspiration, but also dead skin, sunscreen are part of it. To these fluids of bodily origin are added the particles which come from the environment and which, by dint of depositing in the water of the swimming pool, make it unsuitable for use. These are dead leaves, but also pollen, small insects, dust around. It is therefore strongly advised not to go swimming in a swimming pool showing such impurities, find out more on the site

Why should you avoid swimming in an unmaintained pool?

In addition to being very unsightly, polluted swimming pool water presents risks of pathologies for swimmers who venture there. Bacteria, but also fungi and other microorganisms that proliferate there, in particular, are responsible for certain infections. Thus, users of an impure pool risk intestinal problems such as diarrhea or vomiting, especially if they have inadvertently drunk a little water from the pool. In addition, there are risks of contracting skin diseases, but also ear infections, and respiratory conditions. Among these pathologies we also find the unpleasant conjunctivitis which can also result from dirty bathing water. In addition, it should be noted that people with a rather fragile immune system are more prone than others to these different infections. Regarding pregnant women, bathing in such a pool is of course prohibited. Even if these various pathologies are relatively benign, they should not, however, be neglected. The best is, of course, to maintain your pool on a regular basis, in order to preserve both the health of bathers and the equipment that is an integral part of the pool. Indeed, impure water is also harmful for the components of the pool!

How to maintain your swimming pool easily so that it stays clean?

You should know that when you maintain your pool regularly, it prevents the appearance of stubborn living organisms such as algae. Cleaning a swimming pool regularly is therefore a significant time saver. To do this, you must ensure that the pool is well filtered, and clean the filter as soon as necessary. Adequate disinfection of the water is also essential. There are products that are multifunctional, and that can be interesting for anyone who wants to maintain their pool easily. In addition, it should be ensured that the pH of the water is always between 7.2 and 7.4, which will prevent the formation of algae in particular. Finally, on a daily basis, it is useful to remove all the residues that are on the surface of the pool, such as dead leaves or even stranded insects. You should know that there are many devices on the market, such as vacuum cleaners, and products, such as algaecides, aimed at facilitating the task of pool maintenance.