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Do we even know what real play is?

To-do lists, goal setting, full agendas and so on. Where as children we went through life thoughtlessly and playfully, adults have a knack for planning everything and proposing a goal everywhere. Fanta asked the Netherlands:“What about your playful behaviour?” Although both teenagers (88.8%) and adults (79.2%) say they sometimes behave playfully, one thing becomes clear:the real definition of play we are lost.

Because real play has no purpose. The open research question:'What do you understand by playing?' shows that the respondents en masse think of board games, gaming and online games. However, there is always a competitive element to this, which does not make it play without a goal.

Fear of the other in playful behavior
While teenagers would like to behave playfully more often with 37.2%, this applies to almost half of all adults. Those who don't want to play regularly generally prefer to watch from a distance without directly judging. In addition, both groups indicate that they are sometimes afraid of what others will think of them if they behave playfully. Teenagers weigh more heavily on this than adults. Teenagers are therefore convinced with 27.4% that playful behavior is no longer appropriate for their age, compared to 21.5% of adults.

Turn on your play head more often! More than a third of all teens and adults experience stress on a regular to frequent basis. Psychologist Thijs Launspach sees real play as a solution:“Playing reduces stress, makes you feel happy and makes you use your head in a different way. We play far too little these days. That's a shame, because for your mental health it is important that not only your serious work head is stimulated, but also your play head. We also get to know the world and ourselves better through play. That applies to our younger years, but also to adults.”

Three playing tips for your mental health So the sooner we pick up playing again, the better. Thijs gives you three tips on how to do this best:
1. There's more to play than you might think. Everything you do not to achieve a certain goal, but because you find it fun and enjoyable in itself, is playing. So make music (preferably together!), frolic with your pet, imitate your boss, tell a story and tease each other:these are all forms of play.
2. During your work, regularly ask yourself:how can I make this fun? What could I do to experience more fun today? Maybe you can agree with a colleague not to use a certain letter in emails for a day or start a meeting with a game as a warm-up. Be a booster, and you'll see:people only need a little push to start playing.
3. Finally, my favorite way to play fast with others:take a tennis ball and start throwing it. No explanation needed, you are right in the middle of a game.