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This is how you turn your bathroom into a wellness oasis with plants

Due to the busy daily life, we long for peace and tranquility. This escape from everyday life can take many forms:vacation, a wellness weekend, a yoga session or simply a break in your own wellness oasis – the bathroom. It doesn't take much to turn the bathroom into a true wellness oasis. Plants in the bathroom work like a miracle. Those lucky enough to have a bathroom with natural light can really let off steam. But even a bathroom without a natural light source can become a real feel-good place with plants that need little light. Ferns and bromeliads are particularly suitable for this.

Plants in the bathroom not only look good and are good for us, they are also good for the plants themselves. The right selection makes it enjoyable for the plants, because the high humidity in a bathroom is especially beneficial for tropical plants.

A “green bathroom” is much more than just decorative. With beautiful plants in the bathroom you create a real "Feel Good Oasis" for body, soul and plants. Sometimes the good is so close. Happy relaxation!

3 plant rituals for inner peace

Start a bathroom plant project

Sometimes creativity is the best way to achieve balance. Why not implement a creative plant project in the bathroom? For example, a simple and beautiful idea is a tillandsia curtain in the bathroom. Just tie many different tillandsia plants together with e.g. a cord lengthwise or use a stainless steel wire. Arranged in a row, the Tillandisen are a real eye-catcher – this “curtain” can also be easily attached to the bathroom wall. If you want it easier, use the Tillandsia usneoides, which grows like long angel hair. Hung several times together, they form a natural Tillandsia curtain.

Relax in the plant bath

The Japanese know "Shinrin-yoku", bathing in the forest. So why not implement the same principle in miniature in your own bathroom? The idea is simple:surround yourself with lots of plants in the bathroom and enjoy a relaxing bath with essential oils or herbal elixirs. The greenery of the plants also has a relaxing effect on our psyche and brings our balance back into balance. In addition, the water vapors are also good for the plants. Win-win, so to speak!

Plant Meditation

Inner peace can only arise when we are inwardly balanced and relaxed. There is a quick and easy way to achieve this state in hectic everyday life:Meditate! In the “plant meditation” you also make use of the calming power of the plants. Find a place in the middle of your own urban jungle or choose a particular plant, sit down, focus and spend ten minutes intensely with yourself. You can close your eyes or consciously observe the plant for ten minutes and notice all – even the smallest – details. Mute your cell phone and other distractions. Sometimes ten minutes can work wonders. Whether in the bathroom, bedroom or living room – the plant oasis provides a calming atmosphere in every room. Try!

Read more: Buying bathroom furniture:5 tips

5 plants for the bathroom

There are two rules of thumb when choosing plants for the bathroom:Plants that like locations with indirect light and prefer high humidity are ideal. For example, the following five plants are ideal roommates in the bathroom:

Climbing fig

The plant, also called Ficus pumila, is very easy to care for and is ideal as a hanging plant. The climbing fig feels very comfortable in a bright spot in the bathroom. Thanks to the high humidity in the bathroom, you can save yourself the recommended spraying of the plant!

Spoon plant

Many know the plant as the peace lily. This plant has very beautiful, long and deep green leaves and likes a partially shaded and moist spot. The substrate can always be kept slightly moist, then the peace lily will do particularly well. Here too, as with all other plants, it is important to drain or remove excess water!


Also called air plants, these bromeliads are perfect bathroom dwellers. These plants like a position with good, indirect light and high humidity. Tillandsias are easy to place or hang and create a jungle feeling in the bathroom.

Hermoss Fern

Maidenhair fern or Adiantum is a particularly beautiful fern species and looks delicate and decorative. Also ideal as a hanging plant and perfect for a light to partially shaded position. The extra steam after the shower is also good for the plant!

Grass Lily

The grass lily is particularly frugal and absolutely happy in the bathroom. Indirect light and partial shade go well, a higher humidity is also wonderful and the plant will thank us.