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Children's room decoration:10 beds that will make your child want to go to bed (very) early

In the shape of fire trucks, cabins, castles, carriages or playgrounds, these ten fantastic beds will make your children dream, literally. At night, comfortably lying in these universes that fascinate them, they will let their imagination wander to dreams of adventures that are just as extraordinary and exciting. When you wake up, these magical beds turn into incredible playgrounds. Your child can go tobogganing there, pretend to be a Formula 1 driver, an adventurer, play with his dinette and his friends. Our favorite ? The cabin bed, which allows you to save space while leaving your offspring a closed space dedicated to the imagination; as well as the ultra-functional bed, perfect for optimizing small spaces.

Sleep:putting your child to bed early would make him smarter and healthier

Sleep is essential for a good daily balance, especially for children. Getting them to bed early is essential, as studies have repeatedly proven over the past few years:one published in the journal Pediatrics in 2012 showed that children between the ages of 7 and 11 who went to bed an hour earlier than usual 5 days a week were more responsive and less irritable at school. And indeed, going to bed early, ideally between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., would promote the physical and psychological development of toddlers (no wonder), and above all make them smarter and healthier. Factors such as age or nap times must of course be taken into account, and finding the ideal time for Junior is not easy and requires a few small adjustments.

Child's sleep:bring bedtime forward by 20 minutes, a good idea!

Science writer Melinda Wenner Moyer, who says she puts her children to bed at 7:30 p.m., advises following the method of pediatrician Marc Weissbluth. “The time at which a child falls asleep is as important, if not more important, than the number of hours slept “, explains the specialist. He offers parents an experiment:try to put their child to bed 20 minutes earlier than usual for a few days, and observe what happens. If he/she falls asleep easily, then he/she generally needs to go to bed earlier. For parents who finish work late, it is recommended to prepare the meal in advance so that the children can have dinner quickly after returning home.

The pediatrician's technique is pretty simple to put together, and it costs nothing to try. Come on, let's get started tonight!