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With these tips you can make it an unforgettable birthday despite Corona measures

With the new measures and the tightened advice not to receive more than three people a day, many people see their birthday falling into the water. With these tips you can make it an unforgettable birthday despite Corona measures.

The new measures

The numbers are increasing and that means that stricter measures will apply. Unfortunately, many people will be affected by this. Entrepreneurs in particular will be hit extra hard. There is therefore also the possibility, especially for companies, of having a quick test carried out on location. Ideal, because that means your employees don't have to move. But the measures do not only apply to entrepreneurs. Ordinary citizens are also giving up freedom en masse.

With these tips you can make it an unforgettable birthday despite Corona measures

Whether it's a child or an adult, having your birthday during this time is no fun. This is especially true if you have a special birthday, such as the first birthday, a child officially turning a teenager on the tenth birthday, or the 18 th birthday.

All special days that you really don't want to miss. Maybe you can't celebrate your birthday the way you have in mind. However, that doesn't mean you have to give up completely. On the contrary. With the tips below you can make it an unforgettable party for young and old. And the advantage of this is that you do not suffer from birthday party dilemmas.

No visitors at home? Then you visit the visitors

Why should you receive visitors at home if that is not allowed for the time being? It is easier for you to throw the cake, drinks and snacks in the car and personally drive past all visitors. Take a day off from work and map out a nice route. Check with everyone what time you will be there approximately and visit everyone who would actually come to your home. That way you can celebrate your birthday all day long, you don't have any clutter in the house and you enjoy yourself in a different way.

Drive thru birthday

Don't have a car or bicycle that you can use to get around? Is it logistically difficult for you? The fact that you are not allowed to receive visitors at home does not mean that you are not allowed to see anyone. Let the visitors pass by evenly throughout the day, without letting them in. Receive your guests at the door, give them a piece of cake, a plate with goodies and a cup of drink. A short chat before the next guests arrive.

Instead of letting people come to your door, you can also walk up to their car. If you live on the ground floor and you have a window there, you can receive people there. With a garden you can let your visitors come into the garden (with 1,5 meters away) to chat.

Party online

It can't compete with a real party, but if your guests live all over the country, this might be the easiest and best solution. Organize an online party via Skype, Zoom or Google meet. There are countless programs that are used for online meetings, which you can also use to party.

To make it even more fun:send everyone a piece of cake or pastry, a drink or tasty snacks. Select music in advance and choose a specific theme. Have everyone dressed in the theme and coordinate everything accordingly. You can send decorations in the desired theme to everyone, so that everyone's room is nicely decorated. That way you can have a blast within your own four walls. Go dancing, play a game with each other, make music... you can really go in all directions with it.

Recommended for children's parties:you do not stress from other children, but your child can enjoy an unforgettable children's party. If a child doesn't like it anymore, they can simply drop out. Invite children from the class and hand in a package at school with all the supplies and goodies in it.

Make it a party week

If you don't like it all, you can make it a party week. Every day you receive up to three people outside your household, with whom you celebrate your birthday. Children certainly don't think it's a punishment 😉 It's extra work for you, so keep that in mind. But your birthday is only once and then you can do something extravagant for once. So why not celebrate your birthday for a whole week. In other countries it is only normal to celebrate several days at weddings, for example. Then why shouldn't you be allowed to divide your birthday over a whole week? Nice to be able to cross that off your bucket list again. Feel special and a birthday girl for a whole week.

How do you deal with the new measures and celebrating a birthday?