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The Effective Trick Against Moths.

The Effective Trick Against Moths.

Did you know clothes eaten by moths?

This often happens, especially when we store our summer clothes all winter in cardboard boxes.

Fortunately, there is an effective trick against moths.

The trick is to put muslin bags filled with natural ingredients in your cupboards and boxes:

The Effective Trick Against Moths.

How to

1. Take a few sachets of muslin.

2. Put inside what you want among:

- mint
- lavender
- dried lemon peel
- geranium leaves

3. Put them next to your clothes, in your closets or in your boxes.


There you go, the moths are running away!

Now you know how to get rid of moths.

Simple, effective and economical.

But the best thing is that your clothes stay in good condition.

You won't find your clothes with little holes everywhere.

Know that this grandmother's trick is effective with wool or angora sweaters, coats, blankets...

No need for chemicals or mothballs!

A few natural ingredients are enough to get rid of moths.

Muslin is simply a cotton fabric.

Do you know those pretty little bags from our grannies that they put in their closets? Well that's it.

It is very easy to make yourself with a little sewing. You can use for example old sheets.

Bonus tip

If you prefer, you can simply add a few drops of cedarwood, lemongrass or wild thyme essential oil.

If you are looking for cedar wood essence, you can find it here.

Your turn...

Have you tried that grandma's thing against clothes moths? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!