No one wants to see their brand new t-shirt shrink after washing !
This is due to the tightening of cotton fibers under the effect of heat.
Obviously, to avoid this inconvenience as much as possible, the first thing to do is to read the label carefully.
In the washing machine or by hand, at what temperature, at what speed... This already allows you to know what the best washing method is.
The problem is that this is not always enough to prevent 100% cotton garments from shrinking in the wash.
Fortunately, I found an effective grandmother's trick to prevent them from losing a size or two after going through the washing machine.
The trick is to soak the s cotton clothes a night in of salt water . Look, it's quite simple:
- 500 g coarse salt
- 5 liters of water
- a basin
1. Pour the cold water into the basin.
2. Add the coarse salt, i.e. 100 g of salt for 1 liter of water.
3. Wait for the salt to completely dissolve.
4. Immerse cotton clothes in it.
5. Let them soak well in the salted water, stirring with a wooden spatula.
6. Let the clothes sit overnight.
7. The next day, rinse the clothes well in cold water.
And There you go ! Thanks to the anti-shrinkage properties of salt, no more cotton clothes that shrink in the washing machine :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Now you can machine wash all your clothes without worrying that they will lose one or more sizes!
In addition, know that this trick also allows your clothes not to fade. Thanks to the action of the salt, the colors are fixed on the cotton garments.