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Deodorize the House with a Very Simple Tip.

Deodorize the House with a Very Simple Tip.

Vinegar water to deodorize the house? Here is a very simple trick to eliminate all bad smells.

To deodorize his house , you can open wide the windows and make drafts.

But if it's cold or very windy, it gets complicated. So how to ventilate the house avoiding it?

Here's a way to deodorize your interior

1. Take a saucepan and put a good amount of vinegar in it in water.

2. Put your vinegar water to boil on fire.

3. Once the water with vinegar boiled , leave this saucepan exposed , without lid, in the middle of the room for one good time.

And that should aerate your house easily. No need to let a tornado pass through the windows to get rid of the odors .

Savings achieved

No more need to spend your money in air fresheners for your home which are all pretty but cost you a lot of money.

However, you can use Armenian paper to purify the air, or incense which will be much cheaper.

The best is still to test this trick with vinegar water to deodorize your home for really cheap . Any vinegar will do.

If you take white vinegar , you can also use it to clean the refrigerator or remove traces of limescale from the taps. All in all, a smart purchase.

Did you know this trick? What do you use to deodorize your home? Tell me in the comments.