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Eco-Driving:Downshifting Rather Than Braking.

Eco-Driving:Downshifting Rather Than Braking.

Want to use less gas and save money?

It's true that gasoline always costs more.

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to consume less gasoline.

The trick that works is to adopt eco-driving .

Now you know, eco-driving is simply a matter of habit. Watch:

Eco-Driving:Downshifting Rather Than Braking.

How to

1. Anticipate obstacles as much as possible.

2. Consider downgrading to slow down rather than using the brakes.


There you go, downshifting instead of braking , you save gas :-)

Simple, practical and effective, isn't it?

When traveling by car, it is important to be aware of other motorists.

Your own safety is at stake, but also that of the people you meet on the road.

All it takes is a little practice...

And you have to get into the habit of anticipating obstacles sufficiently in advance.

And quickly the engine brake will become a reflex for you to decelerate efficiently while saving fuel.

You have to be aware of eco-driving, know the principles for ecological driving.

And in this way, we can save fuel while driving .

Think about it :-)

Savings achieved

By using the engine brake instead of pressing the brake pedal, you slow down efficiently while consuming less fuel!

And for those who put themselves in neutral, know that with the engine brake, the fuel supply is interrupted by the injection system.

While disengaged, the engine continues to consume fuel while idling.

All eco-driving tips are effective solutions to reduce fuel costs and save up to 20% ! Nice, right?

Your turn...

Do you practice economical driving ? Or do you think it's useless? Leave us a comment ! We can't wait to read you!