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Powerful, Natural and Free:The Homemade Weed Killer Nobody Knows.

Powerful, Natural and Free:The Homemade Weed Killer Nobody Knows.

Today I reveal to you the cheapest and most effective weed killer market efficiency.

Yes, fed up with weeding every spring!

Every year, it's the same thing... We spend hours weeding.

And even with a powerful homemade weedkiller, it's a hassle!

Luckily, I've found the miracle, natural solution to KILL weeds and PREVENT them from growing back.

I've been using it for years and it works great.

The free trick for effortless weeding is to put newspaper at the foot of the plants. Watch:

Powerful, Natural and Free:The Homemade Weed Killer Nobody Knows.

How to

1. Wet the floor.

2. Take some sheets of newspaper.

3. Place the paper around your plants.

4. Fill a water spray.

5. Dampen the sheets of newspaper.

6. Layer the sheets to cover the entire surface.


Powerful, Natural and Free:The Homemade Weed Killer Nobody Knows.

Lo and behold, thanks to this grandmother's trick, you now weed without any effort :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

This do-it-yourself weed killer eliminates weeds that have already grown.

You don't even have to bend down to snatch them!

But that's not all...

It also prevents weeds from growing.

It is therefore a super effective and practical two-in-one action.

That's a huge time saver, isn't it?

And it's also much less tiring.

Once you put down your logs, you don't have to do anything for quite a while.

This natural weed killer is also the easiest to make.

No need for a complicated recipe, baking soda, salt, vinegar, bleach, dish soap...

Just recycle your old newspapers. You won't find more economical!

So convinced by this definitive and natural weedkiller?

Bonus tip

- You can also cover the sheets of newspaper with mulch (straw, wood shavings).

The weight of the mulch will help the newspaper stay in place.

It will be flat on the ground. As a result, it will be even more effective.

Another considerable advantage...

It's that this organic thing is even more effective than plastic anti-root cloths.

Because it happens that weeds end up getting through these tarps.

In addition, these weed control fabrics are quite expensive at Bricomarché, Castorama or Intermarché.

Especially in comparison to recycled newsprint!

See, no need for Roundup full of glyphosate.

- This technique is very effective in eliminating and preventing weeds around plantations.

- However, it cannot be used as a weed killer on grass or gravel. I recommend this easy recipe with white vinegar instead.

Why does it work?

Powerful, Natural and Free:The Homemade Weed Killer Nobody Knows.

By covering the soil with a thick layer of newspaper, you prevent sunlight from reaching the weed seeds.

Without sunlight, seeds cannot germinate. So no weeds!

This homemade weed killer acts a bit like a natural anti-germination.

And the weeds already present are smothered and die naturally.

The presence of newspaper keeps the soil moist.

And humidity, earthworms love it!

The good news is that worms aerate the soil.

You probably know that this phenomenon promotes the growth of flowers and vegetables.

Wetting the newspaper will allow the sheets to stick together well.

They thus form a compact whole that protects the floor from light.

This ecological weed killer is therefore effective and long-lasting.


Do you want to use this free weed killer in your vegetable garden? In this case, take sheets of newspaper without colored ink.

Newsprint colored ink can be polluting. And it could infiltrate the soil.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy trick to weed naturally? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!