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How to Remove Mold from a Wall with White Vinegar.

How to Remove Mold from a Wall with White Vinegar.

Is there mold on your walls?

This is something that must not be allowed to take hold, because it is dangerous for your health.

This can create respiratory problems especially if it is in the bedroom.

So what can you do to eliminate mold naturally without bleach and destroy these fungi?

Fortunately, there is an easy and natural grandmother's trick for cleaning moldy walls.

Just spray white vinegar with tea tree essential oil . Watch:

How to Remove Mold from a Wall with White Vinegar.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 300 ml of white vinegar

- sponge

- spray

- 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

- 200ml of water

- cloth

- gloves

How to

1. Soak the sponge in white vinegar and put on the gloves.

2. Rub the moldy wall with the sponge from top to bottom to remove as much as possible.

3. In the spray bottle, mix the vinegar and tea tree essential oil.

4. Add 200 ml of water.

5. Spray this mixture directly on moldy areas.

6. Leave on for several hours.

7. Wipe with a clean cloth.

8. Repeat the operation without wiping if necessary.


How to Remove Mold from a Wall with White Vinegar.

And There you go ! Thanks to the white vinegar, the mold on the walls disappeared :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

And all this without harmful products or bleach. And it took no effort!

This trick works just as well on the walls (and ceiling) of a bedroom as those of the bathroom or toilet.

Additional advice

The important thing with mold is to find the cause.

If the cause of the mold is related to humidity, put a dehumidifier in the room and air it regularly.

If the mold does not disappear, call a professional to check for water infiltration or capillary rise.

Remember to ventilate all the rooms in your home on a daily basis to prevent mold from growing on your damp walls.

Why does it work?

The vinegar removes mold stains and sanitizes the surface of the wall which had become completely black.

As for the essential oil of tea tree, it naturally disinfects the wall without the need to use bleach.

Please note that essential oils are not recommended in the presence of cats, children or pregnant women.